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Everything posted by JPTfellterrier

  1. i know the feeling, play plenty of games, let them run about in fields, nice meaty bones to chew on, hide treats round the yard and house for them to find......anything to keep there minds active and working
  2. go to a person of an ethnic minority phone shop
  3. cant beat a good sponge with a bit of jam
  4. would love to have a go, but transport is limited and jess is getting % success rate but still needs some practice, maybes next time
  5. he is one amazing dog....a real credit to you and well worth breeding from....best of luck
  6. we call them the hunting chavs at the game fairs, they are to real tree what the neds are to burbbery.......LOL haha i know the ones i used to hunt with that sort then relised what a bunch of numb skulls they were when they took the hump as i got a lurcher and they couldnt have one (they were the sort tht would nick one).....now got myself in with a better crowd i must say and wouldnt acknowledge them in the street...scum but it becomes extreme, i go as far as coat and thermal trousers and thats enough for me....although iam imbarased to admit i do have a real tree cap but i ha
  7. thank god there is anouther women out there who spends there life in huting gear....i wear myne most days for the reason that i got cold, and i mean really cold very easily, so every morning its on with scruffy jeans, real tree jacket and riggers or wellies(like in my pic) (dont have hunting boots yet, bloody credit crunch )....what i love is the looks me and my boyfriend when we pop to tesco hand in hand, me in my scruffy clothes him in his army type trousers, hunting boots and jumper (he doesnt get as cold as me)....and the looks we get, i love it.....one lass in halfords (random place) had
  8. awwww bless, she must be proud bless her lifes dramas they found out you go lamping how do you know this ? and how did they find out . perhaps you were just shite. because the course tutor told me, im not exactly sure how they found out i dont remember mentioning it, knowing me i probably did...but my name is usually never forgoten round here and it is a local place i was going to do volintary work experience at so they may have gone digging haha shet it your more usless than me mr
  9. cant find my usb but i showed it to a friend and thats what he thought it was doing but it was pecking and then lookin as if it was calling to its mates, very strange
  10. number one has to be my favorite
  11. im never moving to liverpool as i have only ever worked in tropical fish shops
  12. what exactly does mice urine smell like? i dont know how to explain but when you work in a pet shop you know what it is straight away and it STINKS
  13. Council complaints from the UK - These are genuine clips from council complaint letters: 1. My bush is really overgrown round the front and my back passage has fungus growing in it. 2 He's got this huge tool that vibrates the whole house and I just can't take it anymore. 3. It's the dog mess that I find hard to swallow. 4. The man next door has a large erection in the back garden, which is unsightly and dangerous. 5. I want some repairs done to my cooker as it had backfired and burnt my knob off. 6. And their 16 yr old son is continually banging his balls against
  14. Reasons Why The World Is Nuts!!!!!!!!! In Lebanon, men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female. Having sexual relations with a male animal is punishable by death. (Like THAT makes sense.) In Bahrain, a male doctor may legally examine a woman's genitals, but is prohibited from looking directly at them during the examination. He may only see their reflection in a mirror. (Do they look different reversed?) Muslims are banned from looking at the genitals of a corpse. This also applies to undertakers; the sex organs of the deceased must be covered
  15. thats a lovley story yes i clearly went round with an air rifle hunting in the middle of the school yard..............kidding kidding, i mean i got alot of hassel for being pro hunt
  16. i think it may have been, the amount of curry and egg fried rice it nicks out the ducks dish has probably sent it crackers, think i may have to practice my shooting skills a bit more then kill the feecker
  17. thanks for the advice:D i cant even remember mentioning it in the interview, on my CV it has "countryside activitys" in my hobbys but maybe, as the place is local they went digging and people tend to remember my name for some reason so maybes thats were they got the info from.....i dont say nothing unless asked about hunting but hey ho....there loss
  18. haha love it...i was supsed to be at the npatoinal trust for 6 month, but no i hunt and all us hunters are eeeeevil haha
  19. yes thats right im siting here in my siting room on the computer, window on my right and the tele oposite the window....well i presume this crow (rook) didnt see me as i filmed it but it just started pecking on the window and then started making this mad noise with its beak right open.....just out of interest what the hell was it doing? shal get the film up if i can as i think im £250 in the money :laugh::laugh::laugh:
  20. couldnt of said it better totally agree mate, havnt got enough hours in the day to kick up a fuss with them, you cant reason with idiots, i dont care what people think about what i do but just feel it is an injustice that i didnt get my work placement because i hunt
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