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Everything posted by JPTfellterrier

  1. i think i may.When i go in to the bathroom i say "overt your eyes mr fennesey please"....I am so daft. But he only does stuff when I am on my own, wonder why!
  2. two lassies (a few year ago) were constantly bombarding me over the internet with abuse so i arranged to meet up with them twice and they never arrived...anouther lad off this site can vouch for that, was still a good day though
  3. why ruin the forum with somthing you have wrong with me and giving the antis more amo to say we all bicker amongst one anouther and are edgits (although not sure what it was as the last time i was on this site was three years ago, when i was 15), the fact you can actually remember is quite sad really...and if i pissed you or someone else off, could i care less....hmmm not really, alot of the people i have met through this site are some of my most valued friends and know me for who i really am and I am a cheeky little bugger but my bite is worse than my bark ....god chill out and stop startin
  4. this women had a witch craft book and she used that to get rid of them i think it was some kind of spell thing as she showed us what she had to read to get get rid of them had nothing since crazy stuff, so want mr fennesy to show his face now, this has got my intereged. There is alot of historical buildings round here and i walk the dog the same way all the time to stretch her legs before i excercise her properly. a few weeks ago she stopped dead and would not move just before we went up this alleyy way (was late evening so no one about, even if there was she would usually be wanting to pro
  5. great post, how did you get rid? did they just leave when asked?
  6. as said above, this was directed towards you "mouse" either PM me and say what you have to say there or stop runing the site and p*ss off .
  7. I aint bothered about him being here as i know he was a nice man but if they would still like to come and have a look thats fine with me he might be a nice man, but the dog sure don't like him. haha my dog doesnt like anyone lol...goes bloody nuts if anyone is in or near the house...and if your a little dog, cat or anything other than a child, sheep, horse or cow (brilliant with children) your nackered until youve been there for about 10 minutes
  8. I aint bothered about him being here as i know he was a nice man but if they would still like to come and have a look thats fine with me
  9. I dont know how it works, I mean surley with the dogs being crackers and all the goings on are in the room he died in!!!! maybe you dont have a choice!!
  10. dont know where your coming from with all that,iv said i dont believe in it and think ghost stories are bollox thats all no need to take it personel,what you do in your time with your body is up to you love no concern of mine and id be the first to complement a decent set of tits when i see them,happy snapping eh you want chill out a touch,oh and only mentioned id like to see the dog on a bunny not a cow hahha just incase that was directed towards post such as the ones by mouse...if he feels the need please start anouther topic and keep this one for ghosts and gools lol
  11. right, first time last night, went to bed and the lrucher usually lies on her bed until i get ready for bed and then gets up on to the bed once I am in.....but she was on her bed, stairing at myne and growling like no tomorow. I thought there must be somthing outside (my bed is upagainst the window) so i told her to "go have a look" which she would usually be straight up and looking through the curtains but would she hell move....got in to bed anyway, this guy doesnt really scare me as i know hes a nice man, cant wait to see if he shows himself
  12. all the shit ive caused...if youve got a problem with me then PM me and i shall give you my number to give me a rang and have it out there....anyway please no one dont begin hyjacking this thread, its a bit of a laugh and interesting not weather you like me or not....as said above, if you dont bloody like me PM me and put your blooming handbags away. Oh and by the way i may get a thrill out of getting my kit of but what is so appauling about the naked body? If, after all the shit i have had over the years with bullying and abuse, i can be beody conifdent then maybe i can be a inspiration t
  13. haha he likes to watch me in the shower, I am sure he doesn't mind lol
  14. suck me beautiful spooky, did your neighbours describe a horse that had died or has seen it themselves. I always thought ghosts were a load of rubbish until one night i was staying in a holiday house and in the middle of the night terrier started growling, so i punched her, she got louder and louder till i turned over and she was staring at person height at the corner of the room and i wacked and wacked her but she was just stuck solid going crazy
  15. god that would be heaven for me, i dont have much experience other than working some local farms but my fiance works in campbelltown
  16. how do i know I am doing it in the right direction lol
  17. there isnt its just spooky, the warden said he was a lovley man, cared for his very sick wife for two years before she passed away and wouldnt let a nurse near her as he said i married her to look after her in sickness and health. I am near york mate hes probably pulling at it, if you get what i mean lmao
  18. this started from the dogs acting weird, like random looking in to mid air. Then the weird stuff started happening everytime I am in the house on my own and go for a shower either the shower switches itself off or the extractor fan switches its self on either just as i get out or just before i get out the shower. I originally thought right this is getting weird then when we asked the warden what happened to the last guy who lived here (we knew he had died but didnt know how) without letting on why we were asking she said that he had a heart attack and died in the bathroom.......seriously freee
  19. doh...offering it for stud, if he went to his local rescue centre and saw all the un-wanted paaterdales he might think twice.....actually i retract that he seems to thick to think twice
  20. haha love the pic of the dog on top of the cage. she is originally from a friend of myne who had a couple of litters out of his bitch tilly, both litters were about 12
  21. i use a length of stuff similar to what you would got on a bum bag and stitch one end...but is has escaped me where i got it from. I find rope can dig in to your hand, mind a beddiexwhipet shouldnt be that bad for pulling
  22. she was kenneled till i moved house, bloody thing tryed to eat her way out every night like a bloody beaver since the day i got her, the first pic was origannally boxed in about half way up, I also had one of those lovley metal water bowl holders which she managed to rive the ring from its bracket....which was welded on couple of daft pictures from about 8 month old, she fit in the bed a little better then and sun bathing, she was so little then, cant that collar on her anymore
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