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Everything posted by JPTfellterrier

  1. i will have a look at them but my tank is not waaaaay too small for them i have a 6x3x3 tank and a 3x1x3 tank both are big enough for any fish available at 90% of pet shops sorry mate, dont mean to be rude but I am qualified in animal management specialising in fesh water fish,chemistry and biology with two years experience in the trade....i think i know what I am talking about heres a short article from a very famous aquarist http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/content.php?sid=646 I would just like to state that if you stuffed a dog in a kennel way too small for it there
  2. try emailing practical fish keeping, there is a expert on them on there.I have the article on them somewere. Shall try and find it for you.... But your tank is waaaay to small. Here is a very very basic guide to stocking http://aqadvisor.com/
  3. Quality. FTB lol although I am not very well educated
  4. they will only grow as big as the tank but there insides wont causing internal problems and segnificantly shortening the fishes life span and causin a terrible death. Oscars arn't tank busters. As said above the phrase refers to the fact that they grow huge and will outgrow most fish tanks (you would looking at somthing atleast 10 foot for the fish you have) pegansius also live in shoals in the wild (I am a aquatics specialist who specialises in water chemistry and fresh water biology if you are wondering) how big is your tank cold ethyl?
  5. I think some one needs a hug. Also just because some one has tatoos doesnt make them stupid....a bit like me blonde, boobs and 5'4 but I am defonatly not stupid
  6. some brilliant pics...your daughter! is out for the count with a couple feet warmers . I am really bad ive started having tilly on the bed every night since my fiance has been away as i get cold lol. Shes really funny as the bed is up against the window which is the side i sleep on but she has to be between me and the window, a protection thing maybe? I dont know but she keeps me nice and warm
  7. you cant talk about "inserting things firmly in arseholes"after seeing your pics il be seeing you in a different light oh dear to late,the imaginations up and running now terrible
  8. 20 inches and still have alot of growing to do. These are what are called in the trade as "tank busters" pretty much unless you have the sealife centre in your house they will outgrow any tank. Your knife fish is also a tank buster
  9. forgot to add, get the pup/dogs involved really socialising straight away as a similar thing happened to my dog which is what all her problems stem from
  10. would of had my wellie firmly inserted up its arsehole if it had attacked one of my two. My lurcher is aggresive to certian degree but wouldnt go away from me. I only let her off the lead where there is no one about and i can see all possible dogs coming
  11. gentlemans sausage? ermm, no, and i'll say no more. As i said earler, the day my retinas died hahaha the mind boggles...I am intreged as to how you managed to view such images Warning, an adult link follows, do not click it or enter the site if you are NOT 18 or over. www.fetlife.com There are loads of photos of me on there, I bet you wouldn't recognise me though!!!!! i dont know what you look like
  12. That is A great idea, Ihave a off cut in the cupboard If you were a mouse would you go sneaking round a ferret hutch ? You will defo need a good scraper makes life easy well thats what i thought, i mean a ferret/wessel etc is one of there natural predators and i would imagine they would be wary off the smell
  13. gentlemans sausage? ermm, no, and i'll say no more. As i said earler, the day my retinas died hahaha the mind boggles...I am intreged as to how you managed to view such images
  14. my point is that if she wants a diffrent perspective for a photograph. What I am trying to say is she may want to demonstrate that its not just a mens sport
  15. hahahaha go on you know you want to p.s. wheres my collar hahahahaha
  16. hahaha that is the ugliest thing i have ever seen
  17. oh i know, today i was told the smell of ferrets can attract mice, is this true?
  18. hes sounds like a very reasonable vet unlike some of the ones practising these days some of them need a good slap yeah the waiting are and consultation rooms are nice and big, ive been to some vets where they are far too small which winds my lurcher up even mor ferrets are pretty easy to mantain and keep just make sure there hutch and toilet area is kept clean they have nice fresh bedding clean water at all times espically if you feed your ferrets on the dry mix the dry stuff is good in the summer months it keeps them dirty flies away but they should be feed on a good meat aswell
  19. i use the shaving in stead of the fine sawdust you can get it in lavender to i put about an inch in the court and about 2 inches in the nest box with plenty of shreeded paper i only use sherred paper in the winter and just stick to the shavings in the summer months ah right brilliant. Do you have any toys in there for them, i know they are intelegent little creatures and i pressume they get bored easily
  20. ah right thanks for the info. Yeah that vets is great.Even a consultation fee is only £24 which these days is very good. Both my dogs had a virus a few months apart causing severe bloody diohreah and for two injections, some special paste stuff and three tins of special foor its was £55 or somthing like that which is pretty good i think. They are brilliant with my dog who doesnt like strangers, he spent three minutes cocsuing her to him, letting her settle instead of just going straight in there which is why i usually have to have her muzzled and by the end of the consulatation she was t
  21. ah right, i know it sent the rabbits crazy so must be okay with ferrets. is there any basic defonate donts? Or is the care very similar to most pet animals in hutches (rabbits/guinespigs)? Got A quote from the vet today and to get them jabbed is £10 each which isnt bad as they dont charge a consultation fee for just injections
  22. ah yes, i think we used to sell it where i worked...the brought out a lavander smelling one or somthing? used to send all the male rabbits mad sent marking which defeated the object as it then stank of rabbit wee twice as bad. Do you use shavings for you ferrets?rather than the really fine stuff?
  23. wow, i was just on about a couple of jack doors that the batty old ladie feeds outside my house, one has loads of white on it could you get the eyes changed?
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