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Everything posted by glass22

  1. Once you start killing them off, they do go very timmid. After shooting just a few where I had rabbit problems, they soon stopped coming out. It whent from always having 40+ out to only seeing the odd one.
  2. If they put them at reasonable prices, it would cut down % of the problem. I'm not paying 12 pounds to watch a movie online legally........
  3. Crows do seem to go for the back end and eye, so maybe...although seems a lot of damage.
  4. glass22


    How can you say it's narrow minded? their way of life is to break the law. They tresspass that's what they do, by their very nature and life style they break the law. It's no different that saying it's narrow minded to be against burglers, car thiefs or any other type of criminal. I had travellers last year, they attacked a member of my family, burned down one of our buildings and trashed another. It's the single worst experience of my life. some people are so narrow minded mate they wouldn't believe the truth even if showed it. they like the ideas they got ab
  5. Hi. Put rope through the loops of the snares, one piece through all your snares. Seems to stop them getting tangled or the wires getting ruined.
  6. It's just pure evil, WHY?
  7. lol, I've only caught the animal I was aiming for, but I would love to get those f*****g magpies, caught one yesterday eating one of my snared rabbits.
  8. Have you through about snaring? I had a large number over a small area, and it's been extreamly effective.
  9. I've removed all my moles, but new ones move in. I catch them within a few hours of them moving in, but is there anyway to stop them coming back? any kind of repellent etc that would make the area less inviting? I know things like solar repellers, chemical smells etc have been proven to be...well utter crap at removing moles, but would they help with reinfestation?
  10. I can completely understand people fly tipping now. Paying more council tax than ever for less collections.......cheeky fuckers.
  11. So much for friends in high places Maybe the man at wagg just sweep the floor
  12. It's £2.50 for 12kg..............what do you except to be in it???? Just buy a quality feed Wellbeloved, Arden Grange, Fish4Dogs, Orijen.
  13. What is help for heroes about? I keep getting letters from them asking for donation, but I have no idea what they do?
  14. I've caught another four this morning. The place is somewhat isolated, new ones could move in, but it's not so much open land. Something very intresting happend this morning tho. I checked where one snare should be, but it was gone and there had clearly been a big struggle. I then checked the other and found a rabbit with 2 snares round it's neck about 100 meters from where the old one should of been. It was a monster sized one too!
  15. Hi. I've had a rabbit problem for a few years, but decided to get rid of them this summer. I've been snaring and shooting for about a month(on and off). So far I've got rid of about 50 rabbits so far, and the activity and damage has gone right down, and I'm only now seeing the odd rabbit as apose to masses of them. It's a 3 acre sports ground. The problem I'm having now is, I don't know whitch beats are still being used and whitch are old and the dead rabbits were using. Would it be better to wait until winter when the beats are more shown and theres less rabbit numbers?
  16. I don't think posion, trapping and sealing off areas will solve a rat problem, I KNOW it will...and it did. HAHA YOU THINK A BIT OF BAIT WILL STOP A RAT PROBLEM, GET OFF THIS SITE
  17. I've had this before, I whent to check my snares one morning, and just 5 pieces of different rabbits in 5 snares.
  18. According to the TV Guide next week is the last episode anyway.
  19. The only schooling charlie needs is fat camp
  20. Why do so many people on here have such a stick up there ass? if your bussiness is failing so badly, get off your ass and do some marketing, don't blame anyone else. -- Good luck Rabid Dog, not that u'll need it since this pest control stuff really isn't that difficult. When I came here I was told 1. Pay someone to do my moles. 2. Get someone off here to do my rabbits. 3. Pay someone to get rid of my rats. 4. Pay to get rid of my mice. Now all the moles, 99% of the rabbits and all the rat/mice activity has gone. All done myself without paying a penny, and I real
  21. I use flat pack and are very pleased with them.
  22. Intrestingly. If you pay by Visa credit card through your paypal account, NOT the bank account option. You have protection on every purchase you ever make through that card. If you get ripped off etc, just ring your bank and have a charge back issued.
  23. glass22

    rat pack

    I love the indoor only posion being thrown round outside.
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