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Everything posted by jeppi

  1. welldone pal its nice to see a plummer doing a good job
  2. nice bag in the first photo mate hope the pup turns out just as good mate good look with her
  3. nice pack there mate looks like you got your hands full.
  4. nice dog pal must av been a strong un to pull deer on its own
  5. welldone lad keep up the good work
  6. nice to see that some people let there game run for another day good work mate
  7. good going pal nice to see you baged it today and it dident get away
  8. nice work t least you got one of them the other will save for another day mate
  9. too right we will mick the weather is right now mate carnt wait for it
  10. good going tt keep up the good work
  11. thats a good looking pair of terriers you av there mate nice to see them doing what there bred for keep at pal
  12. nice looking dogs you av there pal good look with them next season
  13. nice bag for an hour mate.bet you didnt want to go work did you lol
  14. nice to see the old dog working hard and showing the youngen how to do it right.good look with thu young dog
  15. some good looking pups there mate good look with them
  16. nice looking pup you got there pal how old is it?
  17. sum size fox that pal nice work
  18. the dogs looking keen as ever again i see mick keep at em mate
  19. thay look like there going to be big strong dogs mate how tall are thay?
  20. good work old dog keep up the good work and a nice pack of hounds you av too mate
  21. like the fawn dog whats its breed mate
  22. a good days hunt there fellas and sum good pics.like the black dog whats in it? just that i av just sold one the spit of it
  23. nice days work for the terriers and lurchers keep up the good work :good:
  24. looks like you ad a good days hunt mate
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