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Everything posted by jeppi

  1. nice one mate keep it up your kennels look good mate
  2. some good pics and some nice dogs there mate
  3. a mate of mine as been looking at the crossman quest and befor he buys it he wants to no what people think of the gun.are thay any good?
  4. nice looking dog mate shes got a nice head on her good luck with her
  5. nice work mate hope she retrives pleant more for you
  6. nice strong looking dog taffy
  7. thats a realy nice dog you got there mate hope dose you proud
  8. the s200 is a bargin at that price mate i av ad one of these guns very acurate and very light as well some ones geting a bargin
  9. RIP sounded like a genuine lad RIP
  10. jeppi


    the belt isnt that heavy
  11. jeppi


    light force striker mate dose the job for me i got a striker belt and two batties cost me £140 and got a free red filter
  12. hes a little belter mate hope he dose you proud
  13. shredded news papers dont cost anything as some of people i no shred up there papers and give them to me dose the trik for me
  14. jeppi

    my young female

    some cracking vidios there turk it looks like fun wouldnt mind giveing that ago
  15. sounds like you ad a laff mate all the rolling about n that
  16. try and get them on for us all to see matey and well done
  17. just looked out side and the rain as stoped so i am out nar
  18. nice looking pat you got there mate looks strong hope he dose you proud tomoz
  19. same here mate i was planning on going out tonight but the rain as started gutted cos the wind is blowing like mad just hoping the wind keeps up for tomoz
  20. well done mate you carnt hit with evry shot and thay will be there foe another day get some pics next time mate
  21. nice work mate keep up the good work
  22. if she gets any bigger she will pop lol
  23. fcuk me thats funny the best one was when that bloke flew over the back of the chair and if you shoot a fox with that it wouldnt no what hit it
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