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Everything posted by jeppi

  1. sounds just like what my dog ad mate a mite comonly found on fox get to the vets befor it gets worse it cost me £200 to get dog sorted out n the vet said the dog as ad it for a long time
  2. sam was the passenger and as far as i no it was just the 2 of them dont no about the dogs
  3. heard this morning sad news R.I.P SAM and other lad is still in hospial get well soon buddy
  4. hi [bANNED TEXT] are tht lads from south yorkshire by anychace are thay?
  5. thats what i call a nice strong bitch its seen its fer shear of work like ant it
  6. nice looking dog mate shes got a nice head
  7. jeppi

    Wire mesh

    av you tried ebay mate
  8. it is ilegal to ride a bike with the dog on the lead becouse the dog can not stop at its own will to wee or shit Is that for real? never heard that before, if a dog wants to poo they will just stop and do it and you have to stop aswell!!! yes it is for real a kid down the road from me got done for it
  9. it is ilegal to ride a bike with the dog on the lead becouse the dog can not stop at its own will to wee or shit
  10. it looks alot like a hancock dog that in your avater :clapper:
  11. ya ha ha he catch my foot did you see that!!! YE LOL
  13. that thorn dog looks well nice mate she looks fit as well
  14. some good pics no there mate and them fox are massiv
  15. lightforce are a good lamp but the wiering is w**k i av just ree wierd mine and its not something you want to be doing when you spend all that money on a lamp
  16. £180/£190 brand new i got mine for £150 with a red filter from my local gun shop
  17. am with penda it works for me aswell
  18. thats a nice looking stick mate and a real bargin at that but i would try and get more for it or evan keep it could be worth alot more than £150
  19. the blitz lamps are about £90 red filters are about £20 dont no about the batt lv
  20. cheers mate hes a spiteful f****r too lol are thay out the same litter?
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