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Everything posted by jeppi

  1. divers bottle out of test (but full) £40 collected not sure what litre it is but loads of numbers stamped on it lol tw 14.2kg wp 22,7 mpa wc 10,3kg thers some more numbers but hope that helps? ATB JEPPI
  2. top class pic that artic mate
  3. no worrys drop us a pm if you change you mined
  4. no matter how good the line of terrier is the pups are not guarented good grafters atb jeppi
  5. well done rex your hitting the reds hard keep it up and that is how a backfill should look like good on you and the lads
  6. jeppi


    where you at mate?and would you go less? atb jeppi
  7. good pics goldfinch followd a hunt on monday retford was a good day and good scent lollol
  8. i ad one of these dogs der/h x grey x beddy grey 25"tts not my cup ot tea pulled up on long ears wouldnt take a shine to the gingers (dubbled up) but couldnt knock it on bunnys
  9. good on you lads looks like a good day was ad look like good fun hunting coyotes
  10. what kind of lamp is mate?will you sell it on its own?
  11. tidy looking bulls mate atb in fineding the line :thumbs:
  12. some good shooting there moo didnt know dogs could shoot tho
  13. well done pal it makes a change seeing a border on a digging thread credit to you mate
  14. if you av a dog thats good at what it dose its up to you if you tell every tom dick and harry (I WOULDNT) but once the word is out you will need eyes up your fooking arse watching for the the jelous dog theiving c**ts that will take the dogs from you and then what you got nothing ATB JEPPI
  15. like i av allready said mate i am verry sorry about your loss what a bitch she was and good memoryswill allways be there.and the pup i ad is looking like he is takeing after him mum tilly so lets hope this little lad turns out the ssame atb jeppi
  16. your not wrong there pal with the hair cut he looks loads better lol hope he dose you proud today matey
  17. thats a lump of a dog mate hope he dose you proud
  18. cracking pics dan and good luck with the pups mate
  19. top post mate keep it up and well done the dogs :thumbs:
  20. any one drinking the stuff i ad lastnight would av been the same lollollol

  21. yes mate we f**k them you eat them so thats why it tastes like shit lollollol
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