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Everything posted by MuttleMcTuttle

  1. I had a look at the 28-300L with a view to maybe only having to carry one lens around all day, but tbh I didn't feel the image quality was all that you'd expect from L glass. It may have just been a bad copy that I tried, but after speaking to several other people they agreed that for an L lens it wasn't quite as sharp as it should be at the extremes... A very versatile lens though, a bit on the heavy side, but not much more than the 70-200 2.8. The 100-400L must be do for a re-vamp soon, might be one to consider? Although you'd still need another lens for the wider view... t
  2. Interesting idea, but what would putting the skins through the washing machine do to them? Surely you'd have to treat them somehow to stop them drying out and cracking after they dried? I'd imagine they'd harbour fleas etc if they weren't washed regularly? Might be an idea for lining the walls of the kennel - give the dog something to do chewing them off and shredding them
  3. Call me an anti if you like, but I think it's intolerably cruel and wrong on so many different levels...
  4. Thats all well and good but the owner has spent many hours training the dog to do what HE wanted it to do....what benefit does the dog get out of it....training a dog to do something that is totally unnatural to a dog is not to be respected in my opinion.The owner might not mind the dog looking a f****n idiot but the poor dog dont know no better. So should we let dogs roam around doing what comes naturally to them all the time? What comes naturally to dogs (hunting in packs and preying on vulnerable small things, like children) tends to get them into trouble. I'd suggest that every dog
  5. Agree it's not cruel, but I don't like to see ickle doggies dressed up and made to look ridiculous like that. I prefer to watch something like this where there is obviously such a wonderful bond between dog and handler, and at no time is the dog made to look foolish, just the handlers! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5TW_uKSCUA
  6. I know what you wear under your ghillie suit and it's not a pretty sight... Carl Zeiss lenses? Okay if you don't mind paying for the name... Probably worth it if you're shooting film and enlarging to 10 x 8... (feet, not inches)
  7. I'd never have believed a grizzly bear was that agile! Be a job to outrun one...
  8. I had a look at the 28-300L with a view to maybe only having to carry one lens around all day, but tbh I didn't feel the image quality was all that you'd expect from L glass. It may have just been a bad copy that I tried, but after speaking to several other people they agreed that for an L lens it wasn't quite as sharp as it should be at the extremes... A very versatile lens though, a bit on the heavy side, but not much more than the 70-200 2.8. The 100-400L must be do for a re-vamp soon, might be one to consider? Although you'd still need another lens for the wider view...
  9. Happy Birthday Snap - have a great day
  10. A new sport for dogs? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXElh_VM0Uc
  11. This evening when I was walking the dogs and there was the most glorious sunset... I have moments like that very often... I think it just means I'm obsessive about photography!
  12. Which cannon series? I've had a look and there's a few about and gets confusing! What is the best set up, and any links to these cannons please with prices? Thanks. The basic model is the Canon EOS 1000D it usually comes with a 18-55 lens, but you can often get it with this lens and a 75-300 lens, which is good value if you're just starting out and want a reasonably versatile set-up. The types of body go all the way up to the 1 series pro cameras. camera shop Lists all the Canons, if you check the links to the other manufactureres you can take your pick! Not the c
  13. It's probably ear mites if his ears look a bit wet inside and you can see little dark brown specks like coffee grains. The drops are not expensive, but I had a dog which was prone to ear problems and the Otodex drops never sorted it. I'd get the vet to check him out anyway because the drops they supply are more effective. A little warm olive oil or the ear cleaning stuff you get from petshops will help keep his ears clean if he is prone to problems.
  14. Put whoever you like behind the camera but if they haven't got the kit they can't deliver the goods when it comes to pro action shots... But it depends on your budget, expectations and what you want from your photography. A good fast lens give you a better chance at getting the shot right. It's not so important if your camera fecks up the exposure or whatever, but if your pics aren't sharp there's not much you can do about it... Nice shots btw John, What lens were you using?
  15. I'm not a fan of cats but it could have ended up mangled in the bin lorry, it is probably some child's pet. What if it was a pup she had put in the bin? Would people say the same? She sounds like a right freak and desreves the attention I reckon. What are people doing letting a puppy walk around in the street? Nice argument!?!? People let their cats out into the street and anything could happen to them, being run over, killed by a dog, but they don't seem to worry. You get a pet cat you take your chance and don't get all worried when it doesn't come home. Theoretical
  16. depends how much you want to spend... for wildlife photography you really need a DSLR, like the one Snap suggested. Most of the major manufacturers - Canon, Nikon, Pentax etc make a reasonably inexpensive model, and most have lots of features on them like HD video etc. The cheaper models are not as robust as the more expensive cameras though, so you need to treat them with a bit of respect! You'll also need a longer lens than the kit lens they come with as it's usually a short zoom in the 18-55 range and this won't get you close enoough to the wildlife. Best to check out a local camera
  17. Germy kyle... Pop sinner... Classic
  18. I'll bet you've got a Stiffi rod too... specially when you're messing about with bottom bait
  19. That's a cracking shot I don't think they are depressed... they just look that way
  20. Another vote for B&W, but maybe only because the colour one seems a touch darker? I think if you did a few more adjustments and maybe warmed the colour slightly it would be just as nice
  21. Excellent shots Kay Bill looks like he's getting on a bit but I bet he'll never give up his job... Reminds me of a dog I used to have, he always looked a mess too! Love the backlit moos, very nicely done
  22. The first pic is the best, but still a bit fussy and muddled (speaking from an artisitc pov obviously ...) Try a simpler composition, and don't complain about bad light when it's actually under your control, use natural light, maybe bounce the flash etc. You have some good ideas going on there, something to work on Nice tackle btw
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