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Everything posted by MuttleMcTuttle

  1. Nice shots. Excellent detail on the butterfly pics. Love the preening bird too, think it would look good cropped really tight to the head too. Good snowdrop pic too
  2. why not leave it dark? Make the most of the silhouettes and winter trees. Use the shapes and that dramatic sky to make the picture. The foreground is really too dark to pull anything out without destroying the image. Oh, and lose the wires and that irritating bird sat in the tree... you got mail btw The first pic was a good exercise in t*rd polishing, and you done really well to pull out so much contrast and sharpness. But you gotta ask the question why??????
  3. The D200 is a good camera, and you might be lucky enough to get a reasonable one S/H. It does have an awful lot of knobs and buttons to play with as well, which may or may not be a good thing. The D70 was a fine camera in it's day, and I think slightly more robust than the cheaper Canons ie 350D & 400D. These are still very reasonable cameras and capable of delivering the goods. Personally speaking I'd be looking at a S/H Canon 20D or possibly even 40D now that there is yet another new model out. Most of the pics of mad dogs on my website were taken with a 20D & Canon 70-300 lens.
  4. Canon eos 1DS mk3 body with 16-35mm 2.8L & 100-400mmL lenses. A 600mm f4 L IS lens would be nice too... Well, you did ask... Some idea of your budget would be good... At the other end of the market there is a vast range of camera bodies and lenses available now, most come with reasonable lenses attached, but for wildlife etc it's nice to have a lens in the 70-300mm range. I'd suggest you visit a camera shop and have a look and try out some cameras as they are all similarly specced it can come down to personal preferences like which one is most comfortable for you to hold.
  5. Ha ha one cheeky fox, probably with a burnt tongue
  6. The D40 is indeed a good camera for the money, (oh what a thing for a Canon owner to say... ). As far as I know most new Nikon lenses will fit, and work with, the D40. The other Nikon cameras have a motor on the camera body as well, but the D40 relies solely on the AF motor built into the lens. The new lenses have motors in them so should be ok, it's only if you have older lenses without AF motors, but even then you could still use them in manual mode. Still something to consider though if you want to buy secondhand lenses. There is still a wide range available though ...D40 fit lenses
  7. oh dear... hordes of people invading the countryside in search of the rural idyll... the collies are sitting in their kennels sharpening their teeth right now...
  8. To kill a Mockingbird Brazil Sin City
  9. Thank you must admit the Havoc pic, or should i say 2 pics because the moon was taken at a different time, has been horribly mangled in Photoshop... I use a Canon 40D, but I've not heard anything really bad about the Nikon range. Lots of DSLRs around now for much the same price. Suggest you check them all out at local camera shop and get up their nose by trying them all!
  10. They are my pics. Thanks, if unreal is good! Edited - film????? [bANNED TEXT]'s film? all digital!
  11. What nice shots you got Pretty good for a test run.
  12. Advice? stick to the footpaths and keep your dog on a lead or under close control. The keeper may not shoot your dog, but slug pellets are commonly used on arable land... Actually asking the landowner for permission to walk and/or work your dogs on his land would be a start... Well, I feel sorry for the farmer... 25 dead sheep and a couple of dogs with blood on their chops... know what I'd have done if the owner was nowhere to be found or unable to control them... Now get off my land................... please ok I'll get my coat
  13. If you want to do action shots the best camera for the job is a digital SLR type. Some of the newer compacts are quite fast though and have excellent zoom range, however the good ones are very close to the price of something like the new Canon EOS 1000D plus they have their limitations... Depends on your budget and how seriously you want to take your photography. I use Canon 20D and 40D. Can't fault 'em although the 40D just has the edge when it comes to high speed focusing.
  14. No sloes at all on my hedges this year A friend of mine has sold sloes on ebay for several years now... raised enough to buy a pianola one year...
  15. oh, stoppit Mr Froggit or I shall be drooling all over my keyboard
  16. ooh nice one! Enjoy your new camera True, the kit lens would make a good doorstop if only it had a bit of weight to it... If you're into landscapes, the 17-40L is excellent value if you get a good one - I got lucky but know of someone who sent back 4 before they came up with a sharp one!
  17. looks like a good idea, but knowing me I'd forget where I'd put it, trip over it and set it off myself...
  18. If you're on a tight budget the f4 70-200L is a reasonable alternative. If you want a bit more range check out the 70-300 canon lenses too. If you want to do mainly action shots image stabilising isn't that important because you'll be using a fast shutter speed anyway. The 2.8 lens will give you a bit more speed, but it is expensive...
  19. now you already know that colour management is a dark and dangerous road to go down. Black and white photography has its merits... Use adobe gamma until you can get your mitts on a colourvision spyder, pantone huey, or that weird new monkey thing. Your pics look reasonable, so its probably theirs...
  20. I'm afraid this kind of thing happens all the time... Watermarking helps, but doesn't stop image theft altogether. I'd suggest contacting the guilty party, pointing out that you own the copyright, and can prove it, and you are not happy about them using it without permission or payment. Ask them to remove the image, or pay for the use of it, or at the very least, credit it to you. A lot of people genuinely do not realise about copyright laws and think that every photo on the internet is available for free download, and that they can use them at will. Some claim that they were unable to con
  21. I rate the 20D very highly indeed. I have one, and can't really fault it. Very robust camera, but, like the 5D, not totally dust and weatherproof. Mine has been "round the clock" several times with no problems though. Most of the pics here were taken with 20D photos
  22. Strange that a vet won't remove dew claws, specially on an active working dog... I'd have expected working breed pups to have their dew claws nipped off when they were just a couple of days old - a very quick and simple procedure, removes the risk of injuries like Tom's dog suffered.
  23. Ummm... It's not necessary to use every adjustment, filter, and technique all at the same time... PS tips here - PS techniques and here -naturescapes
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