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Everything posted by MuttleMcTuttle

  1. Do all you fellas think that as its Valentines Day your automatically going to get laid??? Sounds like some of them are eternal optimists... Dunno what my bloke has planned, but it will probably involve whipped cream.... He's really romantic, but hates the commercial rip-offs that surround such occasions, so I'll probably get a home-made card, and a really nice pressie, but nothing manufactured specifically for Valentine's Day. I will bake him a heart-shaped cake and wear extra special undies, but not necessarily at the same time....
  2. That's a work of art! Brilliant
  3. The compact fixed lens digi cams always suffer from shutter lag and they are not very fast at focussing, so the only way to go is a DSLR... or there are these very strange things called film cameras... they are getting quite rare now, but they are very cheap
  4. Depends what you mean by mega expensive... prices vary, so shop around. This one Is a good all round lens for reasonably close wildlife, sporting events, etc Sigma cheapie is about as cheap as you can get new one of the best if you're really serious... For wildlife you really need something in the 300mm range, zooms are handy and can produce good quality images, although a prime (fixed length) lens is usually considered better quality. Canon lenses are superb, but there are some really cheap Sigmas and Tamrons on the market. Depends how far you want to take your hobby really.
  5. Wow, they are good pics How do you get the exposure on the hare so good and still keep a bit of detail in the snow? They are all cracking shots.
  6. Cromer... hmmm. A bit bracing this time of year, so probably perfect if you want to be really chilled There's a nice pier, a few crab boats, not so much dog shit these days, and the Norfolk coast is lovely if you're into birdwatching, marshes & mudflats. The best bit of coastline is between Cromer & Hunstanton, but you'll also be in easy reach of Norwich, which is quite pleasant as towns go... I suppose... not been there for a while. Hope you enjoy your trip to Norfolk - the natives can be a bit weird out of season, but Cromer is almost civilised.
  7. ok, I just went and looked
  8. For anyone with time on their hands if they want to know what's in dog food... pet food article Commercial dog food is full of all the bits that are bugger all use for anything else, but dogs seem to thrive on it... Guess it's actually "natural" for them to scavenge and eat a lot of hair, bones, & gristly bits. My sheepdogs thrive on baileys working dog bites topped up with scraps and the odd cooked rabbit.
  9. Hope he'll be ok... Any idea what was wrong? Did he have fever?
  10. Ghillies is right, nearly all photos, on the net, or otherwise, are protected by copyright, which belongs to the photographer, who will have the original file or negative, and be able to prove ownership. Image "theft" occurs daily, most photographers live with it, but would get a bit pissed off if they found their photos being used commercially. If you see a photo you would like to use you must, at the very least, make an effort to find out who took it and contact them before using it. Goes against the grain to say it, but you can find very cheap images on the microstock sites (ooh wash
  11. I also know someone with this condition, and he uses a machine & mask thingy at night. It looks a bit scarey, but does solve the snoring/stopping breathing problem, and at last he can get a good nights kip. He was in the habit of roaring around in vehicles with blue lights on, and as far as I know there was never any mention of the sleep apnea being a problem. Good luck, I hope you will get to keep your licence.
  12. Ouch... hope you soon mend Kev's right - no laughing, and definitely no coughing for a few weeks... I'll bet the rats are still sniggering though
  13. Super pics - I love the mallards and the swan
  14. I'm already in that group Think it's great to recruit new fans too
  15. If you do treat the dog how you say you will, then he will have a lovely home... However, I'm not sure if a collie is the right choice... Before you set your heart on Jake think about it a bit more. Collies were bred to herd, and in some of them this instinct is very strong. If Jake is an ex working sheepdog, you may encounter problems. Not many sheep in London, but plenty of cyclists, joggers, kids, and cars to be rounded up! Collies are very intelligent, so Jake will need some mental stimulation, as well as lots of exercise. Any training will be a good idea, but he will learn fast so
  16. MuttleMcTuttle


    I have heard rumours of coypu lurking in dark dank ditches in the fens... but then I've heard a lot more rumours about the fens too... Commanche - that's about the size of it, although I heard a rumour that when the coypu were getting scarce some of the exterminators would cut the tails off and let em go again... but was only a rumour I can remember the little grey vans, and the coypu controller was a regular visitor although we never found coypu a great problem. I thought they were rather cute actually
  17. Oh yes... certainly different... What's it worth not to post the photos? snigger...
  18. What's that?! Speak up, man!!! Stop mumbling!!!
  19. Some cracking shots there Hannah That dog is totally mad, just like my collies!
  20. I really like the nature shots, love the last one
  21. Yes, the other poor sods still exist, but we don't know about them, do we? Patrick Swayze is relatively famous, a public figure, and I suppose that makes his illness newsworthy. It's understandable that people feel sad at the news, just as they would hearing about anyone they know who is terminally ill. I don't personally know this guy, but I remember the energy he exuded in "Dirty Dancing" so I feel a little sad too. Whether you appear to have a good life and a lot of money is pretty irrelevant when it comes to your health. Many rich and famous people are sick Everyone deserves co
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