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Everything posted by MuttleMcTuttle

  1. I hadn't noticed it getting warmer, but the daffs and primroses are out so it must be spring... Thanks for the bit of spring colour Al
  2. Hi Dazz, glad to see you've been out with your new camera and taken some nice shots already! I'm not familiar with that particular model, so can't offer much technical advice on it. But photography is all about light, and if the light isn't good you will struggle to get good shots... The first pic is quite a moody one and I like the light catching the water. The camera has really struggled to get a good exposure here because you were shooting into the sun. It's exposed for the bright area so lost detail in the water and the tress have become silhouettes. In this case, not a particular
  3. Thanks Snappy , lots of Photographers hate selective colouring, but i think as long as its subtle and not over done it can look good anyway cheers Ummmm ... give the people what they want, I say... and here it is very nicely done, and does suit the pic Lovely shot it's nice to see sharp eyes and nose, and Mick is a fine looking pup. I'd like to see the colour version too.
  4. Good shots Love the first one of the heron sneaking through the reeds.
  5. Thanks for the comments guys....M my editing skills are not great hence the halo...I would love to learn the HDR skills but I'm a long way off being competent in that department....still finding my way with PS but as always I welcome your views I love taking shots of stormy skys and dark clouds always add a sense of drama Stormy skies are so much nicer than boring blue ones There are lots of PS tutorials on the web. Tbh I wouldn't bother with HDR (I can't get the hang of it!!!) get yourself a set of ND grad filters instead. These will help to stop the sky burning out, and a
  6. Very striking looking birds. We have just the one here, which flies up and down the valley crying pitifully... a few more usually join it later in the spring though
  7. Some lovely shots there, looks like you had a great time enjoying the scenery Got some drama going on there, but I'm not wild about the glowing halos around the rocky bits, think you should learn how to do HDR properly ha ha ha... But if you have photoshop there is an easy way to remedy that involving the clone tool set to "darken"...
  8. Ha ha, you were being watched I like the first shot too, nice shadows. 2nd one needs to lose the pylons and posts, and as Snappy said, top it with a great sky and you might have a shot there. 3rd could be interesting with a different crop, focusing on just the door, and maybe in colour with a bit of extra processing to bring out the texture in the brickwork? Lovely reflection in the swan shot.
  9. As Boysie said, digital zoom on any camera is a bit ropey... Bridge cameras are getting better, but on the whole they are still not as fast as DSLRs so you may find you miss a lot of shots when you're going for a moving target. On the whole they tend to be very good for macro/close-up work, but not so good at more distant subjects, and pants at anything moving fast. So, depends how close the birds etc are and whether or not they decide to fly away To get a really good bridge camera you're probably looking at a similar price to a basic DSLR and lens kit. Might be worth considering th
  10. Post away - we won't look if we're bored Feedback on your pics is quite important when you're learning. If you're very keen why not sign up to a dedicated photo site and put some pics on there as well? There's no cheating - I learnt a lot from other photographers - you'll find most are pretty helpful, if a bit grumpy sometimes. Photography tends to be a rather solitary occupation and it's good to be able to share your pics and get advice online. The best way to learn is to use your camera and experiment with settings etc. Good luck!
  11. The first shot I like the way the light is just about to break through the layers of cloud and catching the chimneys. I'd crop just a tiny sliver off the bottom of the pic and maybe make the sky a bit moodier, but only because I'm in a moody sort of mood
  12. Had a look at your pics on photobucket and a lot of them seem to be pretty well-focused, so I doubt there is a major problem with the camera or lens, but it's hard to tell at small size. There is a pic of a bird with a red head that looks well sharp! With the piggy shot I'm guessing the pig moved just out of the focus area (or you moved) just as you took the pic. The longer the lens, the more any little focus problems will show up. Regarding the exposure - some of the pics have come out a bit dark but some of them could be corrected with a tweak on the levels in photoshop or similar. It l
  13. Those beaks look really vicious... Often wondered how they get on being so crowded together, now I know! Excellent shots (as usual )
  14. Is that tip only for the D200....or can it be used with other camera's ie Canon. Cheers SINDASOX Unlike Nikons, Canon white balance is usually pretty good left on auto... But yes, if you feel the urge, setting the WB to cloudy will warm the pics up a bit. On the whole though, Nikon pics do tend to be a bit BETTER, Blackstaff - have you tried calibrating the lens to the camera? Not even sure if this is possible with the D200, but it's not unusual for the odd lens to be slightly out, and it can make a lot of difference. Nearly bit there hon, naughty naug
  15. Is that tip only for the D200....or can it be used with other camera's ie Canon. Cheers SINDASOX Unlike Nikons, Canon white balance is usually pretty good left on auto... But yes, if you feel the urge, setting the WB to cloudy will warm the pics up a bit. On the whole though, Nikon pics do tend to be a bit cooler. Blackstaff - have you tried calibrating the lens to the camera? Not even sure if this is possible with the D200, but it's not unusual for the odd lens to be slightly out, and it can make a lot of difference.
  16. Most professionals use photoshop CS for the final editing, although Lightroom is becoming more popular... CS is not the easiest to learn to use properly, but there is nothing to touch it when it comes to photo editing.
  17. Photoshop Elements is good for the price. Free software like Gimp or Picassa will give you basic editing tools along with a few effects filters and may be adequate for your needs.
  18. Super shots Romany Still not seen a waxwing here Seen a few kingfishers in my time, but not got a decent shot of one yet (not patience!)
  19. I thought it was a weasel? Cracking shots Dawn, love these little critters.
  20. Rex - a few pointers - Shutter (speed) priority is the best setting for action shots, and for running dogs it will need to be a minimum of 1/500 sec, preferably around the 1/1000 sec. You can get away with lower speeds if you "pan" track the action but you need a smooth steady hand to do this successfully and it won't help if they are running towards you. As some have said, upping the ISO will help you get a better shutter speed, but you may lose quite a lot of image quality at anything above ISO 800. Opening up the aperture will give you more shutter speed too, but the wider the
  21. Just type your text across the pic with © symbol if required (alt + 0169) then alter the opacity of the text layer until it looks how you want it to. Save it as a new action. Sorted
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