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Everything posted by MuttleMcTuttle

  1. I've had an Opinel pocket knife for about 30yrs, just can't seem to wear the thing up...
  2. Nice pics Kay. I like the last one of the deer - it's a clear shot and I like the way the sun is catching the grass and thistles. The pic of the grasshopper in the shade is good too - I've never managed to get a shot of one at all, they always hop off! Well done
  3. Nice rainbow Some rather good clouds around here today!
  4. MuttleMcTuttle


    Not sure if there is a specific name for "udders" when they are in pup... Mammary glands, teats, nipples, call them what you will, I'm sure they'll understand what you mean. You're doing the right thing - whatever your opinions of the RSPCA may be, sometimes it's the only way to deal with a problem like this. Taking the law into your own hands is all well & good, but case like this should be brought to everyone's attention.
  5. The nests are a work of art. But I wouldn't poke one... Haven't seen many hornets this year - not too sorry about that because when they come indoors and fly into the lights at night they get a bit pi$$ed and then they are not very pleasant!
  6. You'd probably find he'd be more squeamish than you! If there's a rabbit that needs to be necked I'm the one that gets to do it :sick: Him indoors is not anti, but he doesn't shoot anymore, and never would shoot purely for sport, only for pest control or something to eat. He really can't see the point of standing around in the cold waiting for a ferret to do something either... But I think it's nice to do your own thing, as well as sharing some hobbies.
  7. Dunlop Purofort are my wellies of choice. I wear them nearly every day and they last about 10 yrs Not exactly stylish or elegant, but they do the job and are warm in winter. Can walk miles in them too! Price around £45 from farm shops (they are a bit erm... agricultural) http://www.dunlopboots.com/agri/index.php?...ced33727b0a859a
  8. i dunno...it feels or seems like when that borax agent was used on everything, large numbers of everything not so large all of a sudden, i'm wandering if theyre useing that steralising stuff... or something else we 'awtent' know about untill the deseises and babey defects get too many.. Borax? The cleaning stuff? :nea: I think I'd go with the loss of nest sites theory...
  9. Cracking shots, I like the 2nd one best, shows the ears
  10. It's not unusual, I know a JRT who will eat young rats as fast as he can catch them. Quick bite to kill them then, GULP! down they go, if you're not quick enough! Oh yuck, that is gross :sick:
  11. This can really annoy fellow drivers at the lights... and this one often livens up a dark night ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Oec8RuwVVs...feature=related
  12. What sort of dog swallows birds whole?????? Even my greedy guts bitch won't eat stuff she catches... Maybe because she's been taught to "leave it"?
  13. I presume you mean the macro filters that screw on the front of the lens? Really all they do is magnify, just like holding a magnifying glass in front of the lens. They are okay if you get a good one, but nothing like the quality you would get from a true macro lens. I have used one on a 50mm prime lens and it was ok (ish) If you are serious about macro photography the canon 100mm macro is a super lens and is great for portraits too. A bit expensive, but value for money considering the quality of the lens.
  14. Filters are not a gimmick, and it's always best to get the effect you want "in camera" rather than spend hours messing in photoshop. The only filter you really need to start with is a skylight or UV filter, mainly to protect the lens. They may help to cut out a bit of haze, and the skylight will warm the colours very slightly. The cokin type filters won't do much in the way of lens protection, but they are useful for landscapes and special effects. Circular polarisers are good for cutting out reflections and they do help bring out colours and clouds etc. But when you use oine you will
  15. Looking good for sloes here too, thought I might make some sloe vodka this year The bullaces and rosehips are in abundance too, but the blackberries don't look so good, lots of them, but a bit on the small side as yet. Masses of hawthorn and rowan berries for the birds too. I think we can forget about the hazel nuts unless somebody nails the bloody squirrel!
  16. Don't be a cheeky git. Anyway, if there's not many about that makes them exclusive & rather attractive - fashionable, even...
  17. why are they old fashioned? Do you not let them read your old copies of Vogue?
  18. Frontline is ok, but sometimes it doesn't keep them off for more than a few weeks. They recommend redose every 4 weeks for ticks, so probably best to check ferrets as soon as you can and remove ticks with a tick picker immediately, hopefully before they start to feed. But be careful if they do pop when you're handling them because you are at risk too There is lots of info on Kay's link. Apart from the disease risk, animals can sometimes have an allergic reaction to tick bites, specially if the head is left in. If the bite starts to swell or gets red, oozy & crusty give a good
  19. Very nice - I particularly like the first shot and the misty look you've given it
  20. That looks like a Harvestman. Ferocious ugly little gits but not true spiders because they have a one piece body.
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