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Everything posted by MuttleMcTuttle

  1. 2-50 to 3-50 a bale for good quality horse hay here in East Anglia. Another bad summer means there is a high demand for good hay, but for horses, is does have to be good...
  2. I look just like my avatar... and that's on a good day
  3. Nice shots Kay - I love the first one, the light coming through the leaves is very effective. Lovely flutterby too Keep experimenting & shooting nothing in particular, it seems to work
  4. I use Hyperdrug for most of my dog & horse wormers etc. Prices are good, and fast delivery too They do a lot of prescription drugs too, and are often cheaper than the vets. If you have an animal that requires long-term medication Just ask your vet for a presription, most will write one for a small fee.
  5. Native British otters were released on the river here about 20 years ago, but I can't say I noticed much disruption to the local wildlife in this area. However, they weren't the European ones, and they were very shy & we very rarely see them. When a lot of mink got loose they had a far greater impact, and for a couple of years there were very few water birds around. However, due to intensive trapping by anyone who keeps chickens the mink population does seem to be under control now, and the moorhens are making a comeback. I'm thinking it's not a good thing to release animals that are n
  6. The 2nd pic is better, but the flash has killed it a bit, and the central comp is a bit naff... As a record shot it's great, but I know you want to be a bit more artistic with your photos, so you'll get a slap every now and then! When you're taking fungi pics, remember to take a waterproof sheet with you to kneel or lie on (bin liner will do), and a piece of ordinary tin foil makes a very portable reflector to bounce light off. If it's very dark, and you can't get a good angle with a tripod, use bounced flash, a gold reflector will warm things up a bit. Both taken without even kneel
  7. lovely :) A polariser or Grey grad filter will help to emphasise the sky in landscapes. It's ok to do it in photoshop, but more subtle if you can get the effect when you actually take the picture Your photography is improving in leaps and bounds!
  8. Not at all boring - interesting to follow Lexy's progress (and nice pic too, what a cutie) Don't let her run too much though... would be a shame to have problems with her later on, but it's so hard to restrict pups - they just want to play non stop!
  9. I love the last shot of the house by the lake (the one in portrait format). Not wildly keen on the vignette, (that's just personal preference) but the colour is nice and it's a really good composition.
  10. That's a very nice shot, I like the way he blends in with the leaves. Well done to get such a good pic in spite of the nettles and low lighting conditions
  11. Yes, I'm always right, as you know But if your funguy is in the wrong place, there is another solution which is oh so easy... I'll leave you to work it out...
  12. You mean you're not sleeping with them already????? My dogs only have slip collars, but nice leather collars are expensive, so if I was buying a dog I would expect to provide my own collar. Thinking about it, I've never bought a horse that came with a headcollar either.
  13. Couldn't get the angle??? You hang upside down by your toenails from a dogy branch if that's what it takes to "get the angle" ... sighs and shakes head... You'll learn... Try eating the fungus next time... :sick:
  14. Thanks. I always shoot in RAW format, which doesn't apply any settings "in camera", then convert them to tiff or jpeg format. This means you get a very basic (but hopefully correctly exposed) image to start with, but have to use software to convert the image & edit it for web or printing. Early on I found that it's always best to shoot in colour, just in case you can always convert it to B&W later! Good luck with your new camera Jay - experimenting is always fun & you're doing well so far
  15. No don't tell her to f**k off, or lose your rag in any way... Treat her with respect in spite of what you may be feeling, that way if the dispute does grow out of all proportion there is no way that you have done anything wrong, and she will be seen for what she is... If your dogs are fit & healthy, confined to your own garden, and not causing a nuisance by barking all day long or whatever, there is nothing she can complain about. If her cat ventures into your garden it is at its own risk - it would be a different matter if your dogs gain access to her garden. Try and resist the te
  16. well, it looked much the same really, just about 1/10 of the size with a lot more black around it...
  17. Know how she feels... I was in the shower the other night when I saw the shadow of something with verrrrry long legs crawling up the other side of the shower curtain... Luckily my hero heard the scream and came to the rescue!
  18. Dunno... a type of Russula maybe? Doesn't look edible, but something's obviously been eating it. Nice shot btw, good focus, but I'd have moved the bit of dead stem and looked for a non nibbled specimen.
  19. The red line could be chromatic abberation caused by the high contrast of the bright moon against the dark sky. This will show up more at high zoom. You can correct this in PS I believe... The settings I used to take this moon shot with a 300D and canon 75-300 lens were ISO 200 1/160 sec f5.6. It came out a bit bright so I adjusted the levels slightly in PS. This is a crop as even at 300mm the moon doesn't fill much of the frame... still came in handy for sticking on other images...
  20. Superb pics Hannah (even if they were taken with a Nikon... ) That's one crazy dog
  21. Something like this? aluminium dogbox Or for the cheaper version - fleabay
  22. Nice pics Taken recently? Round here they finished harvest weeks ago & most of the stubbles are cultivated already...
  23. These days it would be quicker to list what doesn't (allegedly) cause cancer... But I've never heard of dogs getting cancer from fox fleas, so that's one less thing to worry about
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