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Everything posted by MuttleMcTuttle

  1. Very nice, I really love the 2nd and last shots
  2. Cheers undi..gone back to the D300 Couldnt get the shutter speed up high enough for this one.. The first shot is a stunner... worth the wait Didn't you have a D700? You could probably work at higher ISO with that, and the focus speed etc is brilliant ... okay, your lenses wouldn't have the reach, but maybe a crop from an excellent image is better than a poorer quality "closer" shot?
  3. There are some who would argue that photography simply isn't "art", photoshopped or not... I think that in the future we will be seeing less photography and even more "digital art". I used to enjoy creating composite images, but do less and less of it these days - mainly because there are many out there that have much better PS skills than I do... I still have a few rolls of film in the fridge, and one day I will stick them in my old film cameras and discover just how much I have forgotten about "real" photography... No AF, having to set speed and aperture manually, no burst mode on t
  4. I'd suspect (hope anyway) that the F1 photographers have very little editing to do. The pro sports photographers that I know tend to shoot jpegs and mail them straight to their editors and websites more or less straight from their camera. If you're shooting news or sport you have to get it right when you shoot it because you don't have much time for PS faffing and no way should you alter an image by cloning anything out etc... Time would be spent editing the exhibition pieces, but this is why they have such expensive equipment - because they have to get it right and know that their kit can d
  5. You can do much with a very basic DSLR and a couple of lenses, but it is a pain when you miss a shot because of the limitations of your kit... but it doesn't matter because chances are you'll have the wrong lens on at the time anyway... Pro photographers invest a lot of money in their (insured) kit, I'm sure the guy had back-up kit with him The good news is that camera bodies kepp getting better and better, the bad news is that if you get a new one it will be out of date in about 6 weeks...
  6. A tripod will help if you are using slow shutter speeds, becaue there will be less risk of camera shake, but won't prevent blur with a moving target. If you're using f4 with quite a long lens you'll find depth of field is very limited so try and focus on the most important area, which in the case of dogs etc, is usually the head and eyes. Using a smaller aperture (higher f number) will give you a better focus range, but will mean that you have to use an even slower shutter speed to compensate for the lens letting less light reach the sensor... You can't win, so bang the ISO up to what you
  7. Lovely to see them playing like this Lucky to get pics at all!
  8. hmmm, reminds me of a tea bag advert...'it's the taiste'.... Your woman tastes of teabags???
  9. Actually I think these are the native seven spot ladybirds... sorry, I told you wrong before
  10. Nice shots Kay, love the ones of Bill Bit of distortion on that old lens though...
  11. Take your pick... I always set in-camera sharpening to "off". Sharpening is the last stage of the process when preparing digital images because the amount of sharpening depends on the intended output, size, etc. You may find that you need more sharepening applied to images for printing, less for small pics destined for the web. Resize the image first, then sharpen depending on the use. For small web pics I tend to just hit "sharpen" then fade it to about 50% until it looks okay. Nothing worse than a good image ruined by over-sharpening, so always keep a copy of the original.
  12. Lovely pics Moll Love the 2nd dog portrait, and that cat!!!! Our cats are the same - go walkies with the mutts Makes me cringe when I see dogs jumping barbed wire though...
  13. Very very nice owl in a barn, excellent detail Did you use flash?
  14. Nice shots, 1st would have been better with all the reflection but you don't need me to tell you that Just put the WB on auto and call it done... well, that works for Canons anyway
  15. no problem, it's good when people want to get the most from their cameras I looked yours up btw, and could only find excellent reviews for it, so it should serve you well. I'm sorry I don't have any experience of the sites which allow you to edit your pics online, but if you want a photo editing software Photoshop Elements is a good one to start with. Picasa is a freebie and is also quite good for basic stuff. Did you get any software with the camera? That might be a start.
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