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Everything posted by MuttleMcTuttle

  1. That cowboy's rather cute... maybe I'll be a lesbian too
  2. How sad the nest was abandoned Maybe whoever ripped the sheeting off didn't realise why it was there? Twats, whatever... Fings crossed for the other nest sites.
  3. Cracking shot, lovely detail in his eye.
  4. Cheeky little git. Do you keep nuts in there?
  5. Excellent pics Kay. Too cold and windy here for bugs today.
  6. Not bad for that lens I didn't realise it would focus that close! I like the stones Blutack or balance?
  7. Death by cupcake... :tongue4: Is there any other way to go? They look absolutely yummy!
  8. Do you know any 72 year olds that are? hmmmmm....
  9. Have you formatted the card? There may be some pics on there that are protected or haven't been deleted. If all the settings are the same it shouldn't have changed. Have you changed settings accidentally & maybe switched to RAW + jpeg or something? You can get slight variations in the number of images, like if you take plain shots without bright colours or a lot of detail, you will get a few more images on the card but not that much of a difference!
  10. oh i intend too mate.... just need the sun to shine a little...lol can't wait to get out... even with the gun, but the camera is fast becoming an obsession... lol Snap. I'm glad to hear it Good guys don't always finish last btw...
  11. Probably best to get it cleaned at a camera shop if you're not confident about doing it yourself. Most places charge around 25 - 35 quid. If you do decide to tackle the job yourself make sure the battery is fully charged (you really don't want the mirror coming down when you're poking about in there!!!! ) and start with one of these - rocket blower don't use the cheapie little puffer brushes because they can put more hairs and dust on the sensor than when you started! Hold the camera facing downwards and blast a bit of air over the sensor, being very careful not to actually touch it wit
  12. Getting better Kay The dirt on the sensor is unlikely to affect the focusing system. The only real problem it causes is fuzzy blots on your pics when you use apertures smaller than f8. The dust spots show up on blue skies worst of all. In this pic the dog is running away and it looks as if the camera couldn't keep up as it's focused on the grass in the foreground. Remember it's not just the camera, the lens also has a bearing on focus speed. You'll have more success if you're sideways on to the dog and following the movement with the camera. AF systems need good light and a bit of c
  13. BVA I have to say in 40 years of keeping cattle, horses, pigs, cats, dogs, and suicidal sheep, I've never had an issue with the Vets. I have a lot more faith in them than I have the human doctors.
  14. Thanks Snap I'm having an "eating too much" day followed by a "drinking too much night" I think...
  15. Yes its the 20 d body .. i used the pre set running man mode .. its possible it wasnt enough light .. if its bright in the morning i will try it again I ddint give the light a thought .. if its nice tomorrow morning & there still crap i will kick myself up the backside Thanks kathy They won't be crap if there's enough light You could turn the ISO up and use speed priority (TV) mode, but I wouldn't go above 400 ISO with the 20D... The speed needs to be at least 1/500 for running greyhounds, they're a bit faster than my collies
  16. Are these with the 20D? Did you have the camera focus mode set to servo (continuous focus)? Alternatively it looks like quite a dull day, possible you didn't have enough speed even on sports mode. Edit - just checked the exif data and the shutter speed was too slow, 1/80 sec just isn't fast enough to stop even small movements. If you have a very steady hand it's possible to get good shots at slow speeds by panning (tracking) with the movement, but this works best when you are side on to your subject.
  17. Very effective camo. Don't see many of these about - I wonder why????
  18. Yes, I got the 5D mk2 and am really pleased with it. It is a bit slow for really fast action stuff, but does the job I want it for
  19. Cracking shots Dawn That is one mad mutt and you've captured so much energy in the photos I was very tempted by the 7D but went full frame in the end as my thing is mainly landscapes and studio stuff... but I've heard only good things about the 7D - for action shots the AF & frame rate is unbelievable! Not heard anything about sharpness issues, I thought the AF system was one of the best? Maybe people have problems because their lenses just can't keep up with it?
  20. Nice composition in your pics Snap The flutterby is lovely in spite of his raggedyness
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