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Everything posted by MuttleMcTuttle

  1. Love the dog shots, the last one made me smile
  2. Glad to see you're using the camera already Great collection of animals on the farm but a wallaby????
  3. TV - shutter priority - you select the shutter speed - faster speed for moving subjects, general rule unless you're using a tripod is to keep shutter speed equivalent to lens focal length to avoid blur caused by camera shake. AV - aperture priority - you select the lens aperture - the bigger the aperture (smaller f number, just to confuse you) the more light hits the sensor, but less of the shot will be in focus. Manual - for proper photographers like Darcy who can fiddle with more than one knob at a time... You set shutter speed and aperture. Along with the P (program) setting
  4. Tut tut Darcy, you forgot AV mode - aperture priority. I guess you haven't got round to doing any landscapes yet
  5. Have a look at Nikon D3000, Canon 1000D, or Pentax K-x models. You will also need a 70-300mm lens or similar to fit on the camera. Alternatively something like this or this might suit you. These are known as bridge cameras and have fixed lenses, and are therefore quite limited, but the image quality is reasonable
  6. I have to agree that if you want to do wildlife photography you really need a DSLR camera and a telephoto lens, so you will need to double your budget and add a bit more if you want to buy new. A pocket sized compact job justisn't going to deliver the goods
  7. I like hares, not too many round here. still struggling to get a good pic of one. Well done
  8. Reading the instruction manual is always a good start you will probably have got the hang of it before you start the class. The basic principles of photography haven't changed that much. Enjoy your new camera
  9. that's a bit worrying, I've not heard of attacks on horses before... I suppose it is possible that the wounds could have been inflicted by a human - a few years ago there were several cases of thugs going round slashing horses with knives. Not many sightings of big cats here, but I did find the remains of a young calf's leg in one of our fields a couple of years back
  10. Good post Found one of the little f***ers on my bitch the other day - they are hard to spot on rough coated dogs. I frontline mine, and the tick was dead, but still attached. Does anyone know of anything better than frontline? It only seems to work for a couple of weeks and I'm not sure that it kills the tick straight away, or only after its already attached. I use the drops - is the spray any better?
  11. They are impressive, not sure that they are my favourite insect although I wouldn't harm them unless they were causing a real problem I think Bumble bees are cuddlier We found an old hornet nest in the loft a couple of years back, it was an impressive structure. Have you seen this site? I don't think I'd like a hornet on my nose...
  12. He's a handsome lad hope he's settled in now and stopped waking you up at the crack of dawn
  13. Nice to see the pics - Those lads certainly did work hard! I hope the farmer is getting a decent return on the fleeces now - Couple of years back a local shepherd said it was costing more to shear the sheep than they were getting for the wool...
  14. Blimey, they'll be eating each other!
  15. good pics - in a scary close up sort of way How big was the queen? they all look pretty big to me! Hornets are okay until they fly into the light bulbs on summer evenings... they get a bit pi$$ed off then There's usually a nest near here, but I've only seen a couple so far this year. They are supposed to be quite rare now, probably because people keep swatting them!
  16. You'll need a DSLR camera to get the kind of shots you're after, and you should be able to get something pretty good for that sort of money. You will need a camera body and a couple of lenses - a short-range wide angle zoom, and a telephoto zoom for when the dogs are disappearing over the horizon The two big names are Canon & Nikon. Both pretty well-matched when it comes to spec & price. I'll put some links for you to have a look at - I'm not suggesting this shop is cheapest, or that you should buy from here (although I've always got good deals through them) but it's one of
  17. Super shots Hannah My friend's dog would love doing this!
  18. That's good news Nicole Sounds as if he's beginning to settle in now, you've got to give them time, haven't you? No point getting a partnership off to a bad start by slapping the pup around before he's had a chance to find his feet...
  19. Very cute, one of those pics that you'll treasure for years
  20. Ouch... That looked a bit nasty... Hard to believe anyone could survive that kind of impact.
  21. Fine photograph of what is quite a rare bug in some areas now. They sometimes fly indoors on summer evenings and scare the cr@p out of the dogs!
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