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Everything posted by MuttleMcTuttle

  1. Take your camera tomorrow just in case good luck. Selective colouring... ha ha!
  2. Bugger the fishing, hire a horse from the stables at Nolton and go for a gallop along the beach at Druidston. Beautiful place...
  3. Some nice shots there Lovely sunset composition but maybe slightly under-exposed? Try camera on tripod, 2 exposures, one for sky and one slightly longer exposure for the land, then merge the two together. Alternatively, get your hands on those ND grad filters Nice kitty shots too, not easy to get the balance right with black and white things, specially in bright sunlight, so well done
  4. Good shots, well done They are tricky, very shy most of the time.
  5. Good advice But sometimes it helps to know that you are not alone... I don't know what all the other crap on this thread is about and I don't care who is who or if they are attention-seeking or whatever, but genuine sufferers of clinical depression will know that it is a bit more than just feeling a bit sorry for yourself or having a bad day... Walking round a hundred cancer wards isn't going to help, if anything it would make it far worse. With depression there is often no obvious cause anyway... The very people who have it all, who appear to have perfect lives, often have the most ter
  6. Yes try 10 fecking days in a cottage on the side of a cliff, pissing rain and a whinging city boy! :laugh: Thank god for Albert and his chums! No polariser, i have never used filters, never been particulary interested in landscape photography, if i see a nice scene i snap it, but am lacking the expertise needed for GOOD landscape photography. Those just had the levels edged up slightly in the shop to increase to contrast. Haa nice one.. i've never used filters but have seen some of my brothers landscape stuff i'm quite impressed, especially on his new micro Four Thirds thingy..
  7. its one of the few shots i had time to choise tuttles. dnt look like i'll be out much for a week or so...lol gravities beating me at the mo. Well I 'spect you still have a few holiday snaps to go through... Take it easy... :crazy:
  8. Sad that the lady had to give up the dog because her husband is ill, but I'm glad that a good home was found for the dog
  9. young herring gulls? I like the second shot best. First one doesn't seem to be quite focused on the gull, and the last one has nice detail but they just don't somehow look right on a grassy background! But in the second pic I like the out of focus gulls in the bg.
  10. he's a real cutie and you got some lovely shots of him I've known some fairly tame rural foxes, but usually curious cubs.
  11. Now you've put that on here the opportunity will very shortly present itself! You'll be killed in the rush...
  12. You didn't notice the rainbow??? Oh dear... Nice pic anyway, although I think the deer was a bit out of range!
  13. Awww that's cute My friend had a dog that used to leap up and lay across the front of her saddle when she was out for a ride.
  14. That is an excellent lens for a crop sensor camera. For a full frame the 24-70 is a good walkabout lens.
  15. Some nice shots there Kay Do keep an eye on those stags though, they can get a bit snotty during the rut...
  16. Ouch... poor lass I hope she'll make a full recovery.
  17. Good job What did you use for the roof then? Should keep the rain off the horses, although they'll probably use it as much in the summer to get away from the flies.
  18. She knew the risks involved and choose to take that risk... the horse didn't have a choice. I hope the horse was okay, but it took a fair hammering from that bull and it didn't look good...
  19. That's a nice shot I like pigs, but it's a long time since we kept any. I remember how messy they are though... They love a good wallow but I like to see them outdoors doing what pigs do... (rooting up everyone's veggies on the allotment when they escape!)
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