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Status Replies posted by MuttleMcTuttle

  1. Tattoo done . . . . another thing to cross off the "before i'm 30" list!

  2. Going to try and give up smoking today, after 21 years i think it's time .

  3. mmm cheese on toast is under the grill cooking now, forgot to eat today so im gonna savagely attack it in a couple of minutes

    1. MuttleMcTuttle


      I sometimes forget where I live, but I never forget to eat...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. im still in shock.... my working collie bitch was spayed a few days ago, short while ago she tore open her stitches and tore her guts badly. had to pts..... best working sheepdog ive ever had, im pretty much devastated.

  5. why do some farmers think there something special they make me sick..

  6. Omg a month without rain and its now bouncing down . . glad i've just booked a flight to the South of France!

    1. MuttleMcTuttle


      Isn't it a bit unkind to throw the dogs in the pool? Won't the chlorine sting their eyes? Have a nice time with the moths :) We will expect photos!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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