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mucky paws

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Everything posted by mucky paws

  1. did any one ever hear of a dog called SNOW MAN was he any good cheers
  2. i can not understand, as soon as pups or dogs that are cousring related are put up for sale they are deletd, but this does not happen when terriers or lurchers are put up.. i bought 2 dogs off a lad from this site, i would never have got them only for the for sale section, if you dont want to buy a pup thats up to ones self, dont spoil it for genuine buyers, that would not know about them if they were not up for sale,,,, sort it out ..... yours in sport john
  3. so you think its right to take a wild/pen deer and stick it in ur back garden that deer is dead ..... and the lad would want to stay off the
  4. you should be able to talk about any thing that is hunting related, anybody using racist comments should be deleted,
  5. can you pm where to send money cheers john
  6. its probley done its job for you, but how the hell could you try and sell that, thats a health hazzord
  7. The ability to conduct yourself appropriatly is something that comes with age, i think things i wouldnt dare type, 25 yrs ago i would have said it I think we all say things we later come to regret theres no excuse , if you dont bring your pups up right , when they are older they will attack sheep ect ect ... so its alot to do with your up bringing I am not making excuses for anyone sorry kay that was not directed at you, just speaking generaly
  8. The ability to conduct yourself appropriatly is something that comes with age, i think things i wouldnt dare type, 25 yrs ago i would have said it I think we all say things we later come to regret theres no excuse , if you dont bring your pups up right , when they are older they will attack sheep ect ect ... so its alot to do with your up bringing
  9. anybody know of a dog called captain owned by eric rowles I thought a lad called Chris Moyes owned Captain, prehaps im rong? Captain below. not chris moyes captain, adog called captain out of the charlie dog
  10. anybody know of a dog called captain owned by eric rowles
  11. can anybody tell me was there a lining with son of charlie x blondie the pups would be around 15 or 16 months is there any of them doing any good cheers
  12. mucky paws


    narrow minded people no matter where you go
  13. mucky paws


    can anybody tell me how you put pictures up please cheers
  14. I,ve a relative 3/4 traveller 1/4 greyhound, does anyone think she,d be ok for rabbits? or do you think she,ll need more grey in her????? on which side ????
  15. well it does say, god helps those who help them selfs lol ... and to add the law helps those who are caught helping them selfs lol
  16. all the proper coursing men use saluki x Define proper? Just so MP understands the word "define", state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning off. thank you, for putting me straight on that, but if you open your EYES and take the time to read my reply i was on about COURSING HARES, thats why proper coursing men use saluki x
  17. all the proper coursing men use saluki x
  18. not all travlers steal dogs, some can and do breed some of the best coursing dogs around, as for a true travler lurcher no such thing..
  19. does anybody think the hunting ban will ever be lifted
  20. sorry guys for posting in the ferret section
  21. iv watched a few de la hoya fights and like them all, never really follows pachqio but since the de la hoya fight ill be watching him from now on and i really do think he'd destroy hatton, if the fight goes on, well see de la hoya was a great fighter but WELL past it now,so my opinion it really proved notting. its like running a 3 year old dog against a 7 year old what are you proveing, as for khan looked really good in his last fight, against a nobody.....
  22. does anybody think hunting ban will ever be lifted.
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