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mucky paws

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Everything posted by mucky paws

  1. iv brought afew men at different times to afew spots and never once got an invite to there land,and must add got them plenty of runs
  2. Lol every body thinks there's are 100 times better then the next mans but she was a good one
  3. where was that cheeser the old sally you sold to liam at easkey yes good bitch she was,liam bought that bitch off me in ballymahon her paw was split in 2 she did 3/3 and I tied her up
  4. iv done 3,4 a fair bit most I ever done was 6 out of 6 single handed dec,jan, but as big e said depends where your running,
  5. that was a great bitch she could run for fun both sides of the pond,
  6. dogs looking well kc very best of luck with them for the future
  7. dogs looking well capt coming on nicely atb with them, long time waiting on that vid from you
  8. pups in top nick lads atvb wthem
  9. nice story was a real character,and don't mind about the length of the story keep them coming
  10. IM OVER 50 NOW IM f****d ALTOGETHER IM OVER 50 NOW IM f****d ALTOGETHER IM OVER 50 NOW IM f****d ALTOGETHER as long as ya can throw youself out of the bed and get abit done your alright
  11. ya don't have to move anywhere was just asking a question
  12. has apache anything to do with willie toughs line
  13. looking well capt, all the best with them
  14. its not a beach for sun bathing or swimming ice,its about 3km to an island,nice spot for running the dogs behind the car
  15. j lennon bred, sire out of peggy x khan jhad x full sal
  16. the red and white pup brother to the red and white pup in other pic 4 months tomorrow
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