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mucky paws

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Everything posted by mucky paws

  1. and if you read my post youd see what it says KINGS BREED lol
  2. did youse not own the granda. sure we did but he was not kings breed
  3. don't start micky ya never had adog to run long enough to jack
  4. keep looking and you will see men in white jackets coming with medication for you
  5. if only one jacks out of all the pups his sired that's not bad going,could be just a one off a throw back to kings breed
  6. be afraid very afraid theres something out there
  7. cm bred the brother to peaches to full greyhound,adog from this litter was the sire to duke,so irishlady would be the great great grandmother to your red and white bitch atb john thanks john pal i taught that was his breeding alright no problem jim,ya hear different stories,so we gave Cyril a ring and got it sorted,some nice runs and as long as they can do there stuff makes no difference whats in them,atb john
  8. cm bred the brother to peaches to full greyhound,adog from this litter was the sire to duke,so irishlady would be the great great grandmother to your red and white bitch atb john
  9. il get the breeding tomorrow banner,but 99.99 percent no lady line in them
  10. no irishlady in that dog banner,thats the smoothie the mcguires owned if so no irishlady line in them atb mp
  11. your a member since march and your putting up a post like that
  12. banner was that juke owned by Donavan in galway
  13. few nice runs banner fair play
  14. pups looking well the very best of luck with them all atb mp
  15. you cant do anymore then that captain fair play
  16. let the dogs do the talking myself and somebody else off here ref the match,that will stop all the hassel
  17. speedie and captain do ye not think its time to shake hands,if ye want arun with each other and stop acting like big kids
  18. thats him bolio first i met him was 79 i was ferreting facing shanes gates an dixie .monty an A G came along they where doing bit coursing. hi banter youre showing youre age dickie must be dead near 25 years now knew dickie well so are you lol
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