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Everything posted by mickb

  1. they want torchering a live slowly
  2. brilliant that first dig with a new starter is a good feeling happy for ya
  3. bloody hell lads thats some hole you dug there you deserve a medal for digging that hole
  4. my terrier does it mate dont worry about it
  5. alrite mate did u get the choclate bitch on the first pic off hemingway think i cud of bred it? no this bitch did not come off mr hemingway as i have spoke to him in person
  6. cheers buddy you got a landrover 110 and a big nasty guard dog and a beered
  7. you should no yes i should mate thats why it did not come of who you said it did the lad you bought your dogs of nows where it came from end of that is true thats y i no where it as come from and who he got it off dont we
  8. alrite mate did u get the choclate bitch on the first pic off hemingway think i cud of bred it? is this casper from near sheffield
  9. been out to day with the three terriers and they have done really well checked a few sets and in they went no hesitation just the two bitchs the dog is a little two young yet at 8mth but he was there to watch an learn
  10. both bitchs are about 16 17 mth old and the dog is 8mth old
  11. not sure if its west or south yorkshire
  12. i carnt see there been a problem with there working abillity there very very keen
  13. would that be steve ellis from yorkshire
  14. not 100% sure iam still in the proseed of finding out what dogs and bitchs are in there blood
  15. i do beleve Ireland is in there breding
  16. just thought i would show you my late starters the first 2 are my nuttall x wheeler choc bitch the second 2 are my nuttall x wheeler choc dog pup and last picture is my nuttall x wheeler black an tan bitch both bitchs have seen a little work both game bitchs the dog is only 8mth old so he will have to wait for next season but he likes the rats
  17. it would be the last thing he ever shot he would find it every hard holding a gun with is harms in plaster and wial trying to catch them in his wheelchair if the dogs were atacking the sheep then bang bang but if they were just running round them no need
  18. sorry to hear about your loss mate!!
  19. good day all round for you the dogs a beauty
  20. brilliant mate good look with him for next seasen
  21. little beauty hope he does the job for you good look
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