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Everything posted by mickb

  1. spot on that spiderpig 1 of best posts for a long time
  2. bet you wish they were all like that well done
  3. well done lads keep at them
  4. i bred a litter about 2 years back and i could not make my mind up at all so i kept the full litter of 6 and made my mind up once they had grown abit i found this alot easyer
  5. looks like you needed a bigger bara brilliant lads good day had for you all
  6. brilliant mate keep at them dint you take tilly
  7. brilliant that lads keep at them and good luck
  8. o is a beauty its all that steak he eats lol he is going to turn out just like is mam
  9. am glad your happy with her you will have to give us a shout and al pop over have a couple of hour out ratting with ya fetct jeppos pup over an my pup
  10. well done lads i also like that russell who ever you got it off looked after you there lol
  11. nice dogs you have there and the 1 on left looks like its seen some
  12. i just hope here son turns of as good has she does did u manage to get the picture of him mickb pm me your number again and i will send it by phone
  13. i just hope here son turns of as good has she does
  14. brilliant that buddy she is a beauty keep at them
  15. if you have to do it then game on good on ya
  16. am just waiting for him to get me a good picture of him to put in on hear
  17. will do steve iam going to get a picture off him and post it up for every one to see
  18. this is true it is a problem some body is pinching these dogs and selling them and we need to no who is pinching them and who is buying them
  19. cheers darrell every little helps get the dog back
  20. no mate its the double of yours steve but choclate
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