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Everything posted by ghillies

  1. buying 'kids' a 'make do for kids' riffle is sooooooo cheap skate lol get him a real one! saves years in waisted time. HW , theyre heavey but last donkies years (full barrel) then he can find the distance too. even the open sights with the lolli pop slide on the for sight are very accurate indeed. get a v match kit or some such in it, after about 4-5 months, he'll love the improvent. (start off on opens till he finds the pellet hole closer too, then pop on a scope like 4x32 or 4x40, after that he'll have a feel what he wants, the opens teach you what you cant buy with a scope..perseption
  2. takes time for the change over. you'll be suprised how well you get to know a tragectry then suddenly 'it isnt'.. its worse than loseing your zero distance on the ret lol.
  3. the ebay 30mm by 25mm ones have a plastic insert that reduces the 30mm to 25, some times needs a couple raps of tape but works.
  4. i notised years ago that numbers just 'disappered' over 2 or three years, no menstion any where of why. since then its a case of ooooooooooooo a hare, not seen them round here for years!
  5. the focused spot needs to be adjusted so its in your scope...
  6. i've often heard noddy do gooders asking if i had a licence, a couple i just said 'yyeahhh why' and they seemed happy. weird..
  7. them rabbit guts look a bit wemm....hehehe yeh i know lol.
  8. they have done for years btw..its been eermmm nearly 20 years or so or some thing, but new ones took a gentle smack to crack...slip bar , a vice and serious raggy rap.
  9. who sells them double mags for the rapids? and do they come in .177?
  10. correct...different world innit. i wander if they as good as russia deeming gays as un natural illigals lmfao!!! like it was a new issue hahahaha!!! i got nowt against them like but its in de genes yeh lmao! there were cavemen running around say nooooo i'm not gay....untill your bot looking, then all yu film stars pop stars half the house in commons...etc etc even the guy you worked with for 20 years with no visable signs, yeh,,,, and yeet cameron sais..... sad when 10 year old kids can actualy see it too. (i think the message is 'yeh wtf can you do..we are taking t
  11. sort of prooves the slightly addled (spoilt brat) appraoch doesnt it....any one who's had kids, had freinds or family...neighbours etc, all dem kids say things like no! no! dont want here it etc....
  12. http://www.badgerland.co.uk/animals/voice_detailed.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVLvw-LhWyQ muntie http://www.nickpenny.com/muntjacdeer210108.mp3
  13. i will be when i get a rail on my rapid, its a bind setting up but once you have your marks on the tape tis a bit intresting..impracticle on a hard shoot while stolking. but ghillied up theres more time etc.. (not worth it up to the 40 mark though in 177)
  14. maybe it can used for a genetic number ID that glows lolol illuminous bar coded babies. edit...thinking about it theyd engineer it onto the most useless part of the body....
  15. head size head size....my old datstate luved .50 magnums and the 51's would froup like crows in a feild... unfortunatly it means buy a single brands in 2's or three's if they have 3 sizes....
  16. Gonads sir, total gonads! .177 will drop rabbits, pigeons, squirrels, rats, pheasants and partridges with ease! All you have to do is hit them in the right area! I took 2 rabbits last night using .177, the first at 60 metres and the second at 45 metres! I was using a sub 12 BSA Super 10 that has been tuned by it's designer, but it is still a sub 12 .177! I must have been shooting a shit rifle then, then again they say its a bad workman who blames his tools maybe I should head down to the gun shop next payday and have another go.... beleive it or not theres two different 'aproach
  17. the head size makes or breaks a pellet in quite a few guns
  18. perfik!! mate of mine had one of those take yu dog for dump on some one elses lawn blokes turning up, now he's actualy pee'd off half an estate, woddles up with yon dog, lets it onto your lawn and leaves it there. the plan (as a pzzz take) was feed my mates dog with some illuminous stuff, paint its ass with some then wander round to his house, let the dawg dump a luminous mustafer-do...on the blokes lawn, du dahhh ​ , as he comes out for the song of verse, the dawgs bums glowing in de dark there, theres a glowing turd on his lawn, and reply 'wasnt mine!' and walk off... now its
  19. the jsb's seemed better through mine.
  20. Gonads sir, total gonads! .177 will drop rabbits, pigeons, squirrels, rats, pheasants and partridges with ease! All you have to do is hit them in the right area! I took 2 rabbits last night using .177, the first at 60 metres and the second at 45 metres! I was using a sub 12 BSA Super 10 that has been tuned by it's designer, but it is still a sub 12 .177! rabbit skulls look like benny hats after the 177 has passed through lol...only out to 60 yard like. mine will take them out at 65m and im not skilled enough yet to go further, although i know it will ! i recon thats about it
  21. Gonads sir, total gonads! .177 will drop rabbits, pigeons, squirrels, rats, pheasants and partridges with ease! All you have to do is hit them in the right area! I took 2 rabbits last night using .177, the first at 60 metres and the second at 45 metres! I was using a sub 12 BSA Super 10 that has been tuned by it's designer, but it is still a sub 12 .177! rabbit skulls look like benny hats after the 177 has passed through lol...only out to 60 yard like.
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