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Everything posted by ghillies

  1. chairgun will offer answers... 4 1/2 fp on arrival will do a rabbit in the head but i'd say 5-5 1/2 is lot better at it, the rest is BC/ bearrel legnth and shot to consistancy (after skill of course). coman sense dictates where are you 'fluent at' and do you know yourself well enough to know when your hot or not.... btw zero'ing a 'group of 2 inch' is nearly ready to leave the yard...the gun aint even zero'd propa till you hit that hole, not next it..hit it..then anther behind it, thats zero'd. (from a learners veiw its a vital begining that'll save time and dozens of winged stuffs...bad h
  2. a clue on ratting...if you drop it leave it, yu really dont know what your piccking up. so prone? nooooooo
  3. what ever you did in .177..... but as sais in the first reply, how far can you hit? 60 yards isnt a problem if you can hit right. (70 plus is getting too far tbh..tis posable but the kills are far from clean on rabbit) on a lamp when i'm fluent 65 seems like 55 and i have np's....70 eghhh i dont actualy like the amount of kicking 75 i'd say its a no no.(diferent on soft feather) if you look on chairgun you'll see plus yards for some pellets and 45 yards for other pellets, then theres length of barrel etc...the BC is a huge factor, hense use chairgun, they say 4fp's is about the lim
  4. full moon is definatly a case of how far can you see? times that by 10 for the bunny....they see you an hour before you get there lol.
  5. its an age old story but my thoughts on it are...how much does a pest controler cost by the hour? and wemm you want the pest controler to pay you? the deals f..e..c..ked up there lmao!!
  6. i could be rong but those lines apear again when the illuminations gets weeker (on the second vid), so if t is thats then thats the sencor foot print. quick exsplination, if you had a theretical sencor without electronics attached and could veiw the image of night you'd see noise, lines and other wird fuzzy bits, every sencor has one and is near enough unique..add in electronics and they add their 'noise' to the veiwed image, now by day or with enought ir the image is perfic, but come the darker side you literally see what the sencor is and any added noise by the electronics as it amplifie
  7. weebster? how fars that veiwing, because i recon thats quite useable. someloke... unfortuneatley the initial set up for tools etc comes under 'dead money' i think its how the cnsumer system keeps people out of their biznes. (that or need a warehouse plus distribution 'outs' to shift the by the ten thousand stocks lol.) the lines? i shouldnt say this but look into phase shift...and or is your power suply pulsing by chance, e.g. pwm dimmer on your torch, (use a seperate sytem for the dimmer).
  8. heres a clip about how to make everything you need' you watch and the tit vids a 'look at what i got'....fffffffff think your right with one little exseption, theyre bored of playing with their dicks lol. I don't bother posting about 'how to make it' as my creations are....well,a true bodge em together type builds ...far better vids/threads out there that show that,loads on the nvf pw etc I do post about results from 'cheap' board cams though and happily help anyone who ask's,and for airgun range you really don't have to spend a small fortune. Hence the vid links will give some id
  9. heres a clip about how to make everything you need' you watch and the tit vids a 'look at what i got'....fffffffff think your right with one little exseption, theyre bored of playing with their dicks lol.
  10. a scope inbetween definatly dont help things does it lol
  11. you need to be 'important' t get any police about.......
  12. fiffy notes..hmmm spose by the time youve got a 8-15 quid mounting system, a 15 quid torch, a 3-5 quid driver, couple quid on the presure switch then reworked, spose it depends if you've 50 quid spare... and sorted the batteries, i'm on 26650's by soshine at the mo, 4 actual amps of use in them, but theyre like 11 quid plus each, and of course the charger, eather a cheepo B2 for 12 quid or i use a nitcore thing at 25.... a wprd to the wiser on batteries, if theyre surefire or the blue bland rap equivilents theyre actualy revamped 1 ampers...yeah they work, not very long like lol. 180
  13. Looks like a bullet version of this one http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1-3-SONY-960H-EXview-HAD-CCD-II-700TVL-0-0003Lux-D-WDR-OSD-2D-DNR/597493119.html Which is what I use on the back of a 10x42 hawke tac 30 This was taken tonight (hope I haven't broke any rules) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r86FBKIjFe0&feature=youtu.be With just the garden cctv ir light for illumination,not a very good one at that. http://www.aliexpress.com/item/80M-Infrared-Illuminator-8pcs-Array-Led-IR-Light-850nm-for-CCTV-Camera-45-Degree/807811043.html I would go for the e700 but not being able to fi
  14. rats see in the blue spectrum, so dusk n dawn is thre best time (uv everywhere) but.. they apparently carnt not see red (they can see light intencity,e.g. a laser too bright they can see in any colour) rabits cows sheep etc see in green and white, the B/W exsplinasion just meas they see two colours 'black and white',,, or green n white lol. dear are orange blind, as are rabbits, red works to a point, but as always if its too bright they know its there cuz it burns theres eyes quite noticably if you know what i mean. fox's? they say dogs cant see colours, but theres always another y
  15. Looks like a bullet version of this one http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1-3-SONY-960H-EXview-HAD-CCD-II-700TVL-0-0003Lux-D-WDR-OSD-2D-DNR/597493119.html Which is what I use on the back of a 10x42 hawke tac 30 This was taken tonight (hope I haven't broke any rules) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r86FBKIjFe0&feature=youtu.be With just the garden cctv ir light for illumination,not a very good one at that. http://www.aliexpress.com/item/80M-Infrared-Illuminator-8pcs-Array-Led-IR-Light-850nm-for-CCTV-Camera-45-Degree/807811043.html I would go for the e700 but not being able to fi
  16. doesn it say its an exveiw had? its one or the other, but will be intresting to see how turns out. 960H exveiw or HAD HAD11 or SUPER HAD ETC)
  17. yeeeup...they dont know or won tell you...... sooo how can they arrest you?
  18. when it was written, its was simple enough, super heavey pellets werent going to bust the bank because the velosity would also be super slow, so the fp's should in theory add up.. however, with 50 year of scienctific and industry changes, suerly a little upgrade amendent is in order? its obvious theyre not up to doing much so maybe employ some who will actualy do the job as aposed to siting back and raking in money for nothing...just a thought like. even some thing as simple as ''this new pellet is an fac pellet only'' (some one could charge 14 million pound and actually type a few
  19. well...yu never know these days, part the problem int it.
  20. dunno if this has been poste here or not, http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/67597 its about actualy listing some legislasion regaurding power testing. instead of some company making it up as they go along.
  21. buy a 30-50m tape, and get chairgun mate..the rest is homework. http://www.hawkeoptics.co.uk/chairgun.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y56nwZxSnBc
  22. spose its time to bring up the bod shot issue... the .22 standard issue ''cracking bod shot but it ran off!!'' gues what? it missed, the rat lifted,dodged the pellet and all with uh acted out stamp on the floor 'wack' noise and even follows up with by bowling over and screeming its go nads off... du real noise go thrupppp! then if it runs off you know it didnt hit the heart area or spinal wodgey columb. (the hearts in a weird place btw..lower down and nearer the spinal 'wodge' if you know what i mean. eather way, not know a rat jump a 177 lol.(not at the 10 yard stuff any way lol)
  23. yu now know to take a pinch of salt at that shop lol.... ''these pellets are good.## wait for it..........''try um'' lmao tenner down the shitta! i've used 22 and 177 on rats, tbh i found 22 very lacking for anything bar sitting duck head shots (its the caliber your most conversant with untill you go fac,even then set the power right to the pellet and one of the calibers will far out perform a poorly tuned other caliber, that doesnt include shooter error or skill).
  24. sometimes your 'body' aim goes a fraction of line when your sat or stalking rats in the dark.. like that night when you realise your in the wrong feild lol.
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