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Posts posted by snareman

  1. Hi Tommo , used to have the privilege of knowing a old vermin trapper many years ago , he use to press mud on both sides of the firing washer on the scissor trap he would say to me" ol mole, he knows between mud and metal, boy " best regards Steve
    to save compressing soil on the washer type trigger on the mole traps , just take a pair of bolt cutters and cut at each side of the centre hole and the bottom drops out and you are now left with a couple of prongs , give them a wee file to smooth , and it works fine.by the way good clear pictures and info rolfe.
  2. It promised 'field results' although that section is currently empty.


    I have copies from source of the 'field tests' done on the DOC series of traps and they seem to be mustard on stoats - maybe there's not much else there to trap in NZ??



    what a chunk of steel to kill a stoat . the modified victor pro rat trap wipes them out in an instant , no wooden boxes and all the extra work involved ,
  3. made my first snares today. made the tealers last week and done some of the wires to go with them today.

    all made to the same spec as g waters , i think ?. not sure how many times to rap the wire around eye but i did it ten times.

    and made them spun more than the shop ones i got with a cordless drill.

    could you please tell me if im doing it right

    fried rice we have told you how to go about it already ,
  4. Has anyone ever eaten a mole? I'm considering taking up trapping them and wondered what it tastes like. Might as well eat it if i'v killed it right?


    Cheers :victory:

    moles carry some real big fleas on them, you could try them roasted along with the flesh, contact jamie oliver for a recipe .
  5. weigh em in down scrap yard. prob worth more that way.
    these type of shop snares are pure shite , but you will always get some rank amateur who wants them , could be stripped and made into rat snares , burn the twines of them and scrap them , a horse and cart could not pull them shut .
  6. so if i was to send you a sample fox snare with the hope that you were going to buy 200 would you be happy if sent you a crap one that didn,t run and was just about guaranteed to snap and the stop was 20 inches from the eye , not a hope in hell of catching anything but a rhino, of course you wouldn,t buy any :wallbash:
    well moley i,ll have to check out these new ones with the solway name stamped on them when they arrive as i was going to purchase some also , if they to have this gap then i will have to leave it , has no one contacted andrew the M D. from solway to investigate this problem , as i,m sure he would be interested and would get this fault rectified , the problem with trapping and snaring in this country is the people who seem to be advising the ministry , they may have a degree but that certainly does not make you a trapper , a lot of these people lack the many years of experience and don,t know all the little tricks and tips that can make you or break you as they have never ever been out running a trapline in their lives , but they are the so called experts who think they know it all , and then tell us how to do it . look at the snaring information on rabbit and fox snaring by defra, its a pure joke and an insult to a real trapper and snareman,s intelligence .
  7. nice to see you got the pics up steve are you sure thats not roland rat you got in that snare :clapper::clapper::clapper:
    that will be you hooked now stephen, remember the wee things i told you , there are perfect little beats on that run in the grass .

    stephen , in the second picture of that run running parallel to the fence , the rats will be jumping up and over the grass from beat to beat , you will need to set higher on this type of run .
  8. I agree John b. If the copies were challenged most if not all would perhaps be found to be wanting in some respect. The point is however that other traps not listed COULD in theory be used if they compared to approved traps . As I said the ultimate test would be in a court but I for one don't want to volunteer to test the theory just yet!!

    At the moment I will continue using genuine Fenn mk6 traps which definitely comply with the legislation and just as importantly kill quickly rather than injuring. However if someone manufactured a decent quality 'equivalent' which was of a similar power and reliable I would consider using them.


    All the best



    the fenn trap may comply with the legislation, but they certainly don,t kill mink , and i,ve seen squirrels still alive in them, i don,t know who passed them , or the springers which are even weaker than the fenn trap , but they are not a humane trap in mink control and i have trapped hundreds over the last 30 years , especially when dog mink are ranging in weight from 4 lbs. to 6 1/2 lbs , the two best traps for these fellows are the 120 bodygrip, and the kania 2000 trap, i have never used the solway trap , but otc. says that they have a pretty strong spring stronger than a fenn trap , i will be purchasing some of these traps shortly .
  9. First off hello to you all. Just joined this site and what a wealth of information it is. So much more relaxed and less cliquey as well compared to other sites of its kind. There are some familiar names on here as well.


    Secondly I am hoping to get a copy of the DVD Woodga has available on snaring and was wondering how to get a copy of it. I have tried PMing him but have not heard anything in reply. Maybe my newbie status on here is a factor? I have had some success with the snares on the farms I have shooting permission on but so far am only going on the articles GS Waters has written. AS good as they are the DVD would be a great help, pictures painting thousands of words an all that. The main issue is the making of the snares and whether I am spinning them too tight or not.


    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi mate, as john b says, Woodga'll get back to you, he'll be busy splitting logs today. ian.

    yes ian, my logs , he,s a bad rascal that woodga.
  10. CHALKIE ,










    if the hares get a fright at a gate d, wing , ive seen them go straight up and over the dry stone dykes in a flash . there is a real easy method to stop rabbits climbing up and over a rabbit mesh fence, simple , and very cost effective.
  11. I've had lots of squirrel with boxes like that too SF. The lids come completely off mine but otherwise looks similar (see below). I found that fenn4 weren't always strong enough for my liking so I was going to start making the boxes big enough for sixes but I reckon your '4's will have enough power for the job.



    shame on you john, with the state of that trap.
  12. made my first snares today. made the tealers last week and done some of the wires to go with them today.

    all made to the same spec as g waters , i think ?. not sure how many times to rap the wire around eye but i did it ten times.

    and made them spun more than the shop ones i got with a cordless drill.

    could you please tell me if im doing it right

    The tealer looks a bit long mate, what length did you make it? The brass wire is basically three pieces 45" long folded over the eylet in the middle and spun. when I say 45" that's 22 1/2" finished size.,It looks the business though. :thumbs:

    a 9 1/2 inch. tealer will suit your needs very well out in normal grass, a longer tealer is more suitable when snaring in higher grass as it gives you the height , and still retains the striking curve , without elevation . i would suggest that you make five turns of wire around the tealer shaft, when tapping the tealer base into shape , you appear to be striking it to far up, approx. a 1/2 inch up from the base would be better . remember and bevel the grip, then staighten everything into the proper alignment . don,t spin your snarewire at to high a speed , and do what i told you already with the eyelet, you only need to make a six strand snare, of 22 1/2 inches long , do not make your snares , eight or ten strand , as its not needed , as ive said a hundred times i can never fathom out peoples mentality why a snare needs to be any thicker than six strands .
  13. hope its a leccy mincer!

    i hope its a hand crank , he could do with the exercise :kiss:

    by the way moley he is puting those nice ash logs in the picture to wind me up, if he was gentleman at all he would be bringing them up here for me , also there is a lot people using these running poles to kill squirrels now , its a very efficient and cost effective method .
  14. Chalky can you remember the drop boxes they put up the east side of that wood that you and i looked at a number years back , the rabbits had got used to climbing up and over the rabbit fence , and they just would not go near the boxes , and they also started to go out and feed along the roadside , to the north , and out the opposite side of the wood to the west side, the keeper phoned me saying that the rabbits were climbing over the fence , as he sat and watched them as he thought that i was pulling his leg when i had told him a week previously about it. the old rabbit is a great survivor .

  15. Talking to a sheep farmer today who wanted me to control his mole population because his Lambs caught Orf from the amount soil in the field,anyone know any other reasons

    listeria yes. orf :hmm: . my local huntsman had orf, but he told me its from the dead stock he handles ?

    orf is contageous slaughterman pick it up from sheep , hares are also infected with red sores around the mouth area , i,ve seen this a few times over the years .
  16. Ditchy, Trappa is not quite correct, the traditional mole trappers register IS £75 to join, but it has nothing to do with selling pelts, i have not joined, but they occasionaly still e mail me with jobs that come in through their web site, these are generally anywhere in devon or cornwall. Admitadly for the most part the leads have been a bit of a waste of time, the people are just looking for someone local to give them advice, one of the jobs was a goer, but she was already one of mine but had lost my card.

    The chap who owns it is a nice fella who is ok on a money making idea, but he is beating the drum for a good cause, ie, keeping the art in the public eye, and in turn keeping it alive.

    Regards and no offence ment Trappa, MT.

    i had a fella phone me once wanting dried mole skins , he was offering 10 p each skin and he cut them in half and bagged them and they sell in the fishing shops for £1.30 for a half skin , so he was selling them at about 60 p per half skin , robbing b*****d, i didn,t sell him any

    maybe you could dry some out and contact a fishing magazine and place a small add and cut out the robbing middleman as these bast#rds always want the lions share all the time ,
  17. The ultimate form of rabbit control. Great news for some, the end of rabbiting for others.

    Where I live, the landowner put in about two miles of rabbit net complete with drop boxes along a stretch of railway line. We used to net it and snare it, and admit it could get out of hand in the summer. Not anymore, there are no rabbits.


    Soon we'll need certificates to control rooks and pigeons, tags on our snares, and only the crappy bits where it's too difficult or uneconomical to fence left for rabbits. I saw an atricle recently regarding some large estate in the Scottish Borders, the factor claimed that since they had installed rabbit fence and drop boxes, it was the first time that they had control of the rabbits.

    No disrespect to the pro pesties, I'd love to be one, but for the likes of me it seems to look ominous.

    i never thought i would see the day teejay , you of all people with the drop boxes , i,m coming down with the cutters , ha ha.
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