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Everything posted by tommygun166

  1. i have desided to buy a BSA Supersport im 13 nearly 14 and i will be shooting rabbits wat should i get .177 .22 .25
  2. hi i have been shooting for 2 years with a shotgun and i have decided to buy an air rifle. i thinking of a bsa ultra as im 13 nearly 14. do u have to get a pump or CO2? if so wat would be a good one
  3. i am picking some tomorry than just put them in the frezzer
  4. i was thinking of harper adams aswel tell me if rac is good when u go plz
  5. lamping is when u shine a torch across a field and spot game like rabbits than the rest is done
  6. thats what i am thinking of doing when i leave school (im 13) im thinking of going to BSc (Hons) Agriculture (Land Management) at royal agricultural college (cirenchester) http://www.rac.ac.uk/?_id=2999
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