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Everything posted by camies

  1. How close did you have it Carnies ? john b 1/2" , 13mm for some daft reason. :oops: Still caught nothing and the bait isn't being touched so something else is awry :hmm: or, the mouse bait has done it's job !
  2. So, here's the result, Click here the police are fined as is the idiot. No jail time and I doubt that the gun will be confiscated or even destroyed. Someone commented, "the police are fined but who ends up paying? Us the tax payer"! As for comparing this to air guns, we do anything untoward and they throw the book at us. Double standards apply. Police shoot someone, shrug, we shoot something and someone complains, read the forums about heavy handed policing.
  3. Thames Valley police headquarters in Kidlington, Oxfordshire, on May 30, 2007 Pc David Micklethwaite, 52, :crazy: who had failed part of a gun training course :wacko: , mistakenly loaded a powerful Magnum .44 revolver with a live round from an old Quality Street tin during a weapons awareness tutorial. He then pulled the trigger while pointing it at a civilian colleague during one of his classroom tutorials. :oops: The bullet passed though his body and lodged in the arm of the chair behind him. Mr Tilbury spent five hours in surgery for serious damage to his bowel, kidney, lung an
  4. Thanks guys, sems that the mistake I've made is the funnel is too close to the bottom, I'll try 30mm and see what happens.
  5. Yes to all that, thought that it was unusual so thought I'd ask. You never know until you do. Rolfe Nice to find someone else that prefers Talpex, I'm in the minority here even though the soil is really light round here which suits Talpex a treat.
  6. Can anyone help please, watched the video, looked at the pictures but still missing one important dimension. 4cms across for the funnel ok, how far off the bottom? Does the mouse drop into the trap from the bottom of the tunnel or have to wriggle it's way in? Why doesn't the mouse just climb out? Is it because the funnel is too narrow, too close to the bottom or shaped in some way?
  7. Read an article about adding a small chock called a 'woodie' to a talpex. Link here Anyone tried it??
  8. Works on rats in a live catch trap a treat. Had one for many years, nice and easy to use. As for distance work, NO!!!!!!!!
  9. Strong words, pity the polititions of the world won't listen and our pussy press haven't got the guts to publish it. Our BEST are being murdered for someone elses politics. It's not right. I hope and pray that everyone serving abroad comes home safe. As for the lady, more power to her.
  10. Wow! Makes my lard and bird seed sound tame. The wife is a little unhappy about me wanting to pinch the Salami but that's married life for you. Keep them coming. I been told that marmite works a treat on fenn traps for rats.
  11. Rabbits eat carrots. No brainer really but what other food "bait" does everyone use. For example, I gave up on peanut butter for rats and use lard mixed with wild bird seed. Squirrel, same bird seed but corvoids and pigeon boring old corn. :lazy: Anyone got any unusual "always works" baits?
  12. Dont forget a good sense of humour, thick skin, and the patience of Job!
  13. Personally I don't agree with live mole trapping but I had a lady who wanted her garden cleared and being a nature lover, didn't want me to use 'kill' traps. I looked on the internet and found a few trap designs but they were all tubular and VERY restrictive so I decided to resort to olden methods and dug a large flower pot into the tunnel system. As I was a little bit nervous about it all, I included a tobacco tin FULL of earth worms to hopefully see the mole through the next 12 hours. (The last thing I needed was to open the cover on a dead mole!) Covering over the trap with a board, t
  14. Wish you were closer and needed a hand.
  15. Cats get run over every day (if you get my drift)
  16. me neither but then the fenn trap tunnels get used more as I've got them sat between buildings so i think they use them as 'cover'. Silly sods!
  17. ka-bar. Heavy duty and holds it's edge well for paunching or skinning.
  18. I don't mind the guests, its the members that don't say what part of the country they are in that gets me.
  19. Just a little word of caution, don't snare if there is red squirrel in the neighbourhood! Much better to cage, or shoot (410 ok, pcp is quieter and better)
  20. Nice tunnel, any hope of dimensions?
  21. 4 people round me have ditched t mobile because of the problems they were having and swopped to PostOffice Broadband.
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