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valley boy

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Everything posted by valley boy

  1. ha i now who you are now your currys son
  2. i`ve shot a few from around trevil do a bit for wayne and iestyn im from cefn
  3. just asked because i got a rem only a cheap one the 770 but as u can see it does the job
  4. where in tredegar you from im in tredegar
  5. i got stopped about 7 years ago when i first got my 22 rimfire the copper said you cant carry the gun and the amo in the same car i said well how you to shoot anything he said i read it somewhere i had to go down the station with him he took my gun and kept it till the next day i was f****ing tamping but i havent seen him since that day forgot to say he was a sergant
  6. what`s a matter dai cant you sleep
  7. hi mate have you found a gun yet because my mate is selling one i dont no if its mk 1 or 2 but it got all the kit with it if intrested i can find out for you i no he wants 550 quid for it
  8. AND ME should be band off the tele or just put the games on sky sports
  9. i would have the 1.9 td that engine will run on any fuel the hdi engine wont meaning RED DIESEL
  10. gun mounted lightforce lamp for sale exellent conditon 50 quid no offers. pick up only
  11. you must admit it seems no 1 has a job these days,everyone to lazy to graft and to cushy on the dole for them get them back down the pitts thats what i say and [bANNED TEXT] pit did u work in
  12. When we were kids we would lamp all the local area, walk everywhere and the police at the time would just ask us where we been and had we caught anything they would also ask could they have a rabbit you wont get that ourdays most of the police now i wouldn't give them the time ot day
  13. Hi mate alot of my land is apple orchards and hop yards so easyer to drive them and shoot them with the rimy i also have a lot of land i walk and run my lurcher bitch and i use my rimy Hi mate, didn't mean to sound pissy but most of my land is on hills there are a few fields on the flat but there's not many house,s around you use a rimfire in orchards!!!! im glad i dnt live near those orchards whats wrong with that you dont k
  14. Hi mate alot of my land is apple orchards and hop yards so easyer to drive them and shoot them with the rimy i also have a lot of land i walk and run my lurcher bitch and i use my rimy you use a rimfire in orchards!!!! im glad i dnt live near those orchards whats wrong with that you dont know where any of my land is or what terrain it is so dont try and make out I'm unsafe with any kind of weapon ive been hunting and shooting
  15. Hi mate i would rather be with bear because i think ray would try and bum you, who's that old bloke with him
  16. Hi mate alot of my land is apple orchards and hop yards so easyer to drive them and shoot them with the rimy i also have a lot of land i walk and run my lurcher bitch and i use my rimy
  17. Hi mate how are you going to clear the rabbits day or night dogs or guns or both i have a lurcher and a 22 rimfire with a open ticket and I'm from tredegar and i got my own transport I've been hunting for about 30 years
  18. Got it on dvd good film
  19. Well done mate i would have done the same because the police are fuxxing crap
  20. I got it pm me your address and I'll send it you
  21. For sale 12 bore side by side baikal shotgun good condition 120 quid ono
  22. If you got that mutch money to spend why not by 2 rifles go for a 22 rimfire for the rabbits cz 452 you'll get an whole set up fot 500 quid bran new and look around for a second and rifle for foxs
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