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Everything posted by Paddywoodcock

  1. I missed that day shooting as I live in Ireland now. All the meat is sold. Anybody might buy some. This same friend had a shoot this week near the same place and they got 35 in a day. 25 in the morning and the only did another 10 in a very short afternoon session. 35 is really a lot and that much is unusual as the coolfridge is sized for 30 only.
  2. Well spotted JohnGalway! This law has to concern exclusively "handguns". Isn't there any lobby of influence (tourism agencies, gunstores) that could fight this ban at a higher level?
  3. Using a little caliber is great some days and some other you will miss a lot... Getting a couple of pheasants is a nice result. I am only jealous but what are you doing for a living to be shooting during the week ?
  4. looks like a good trip. Were they driven? We do a lot in CZ driven yes driven
  5. All these boars were shot in one day in a private open forest which is hunted only once a year. It is not unsual to get that many even if it doesn't happen anywhere. France don't get monsters like eastern countries but it has lots of wildboars. The only way to get that is big and very quiet grounds. It looks like many but there are only 14 wildboars, 2 roes and 2 foxes. I have seen much more
  6. Hi all, My friend just sent me few pictures from what I missed last saturday. This day shooting happens in the east of France. People are restricted to shoot only wildboars under 50kg and over 100kg.
  7. Well done lads, nice day for rough shooting and you got a very nice mixed bag with nice birds!
  8. Hi all, I recently bought new binoculars directly from http://www.sutter-gmbh.com/xtcommerce/index.php?language=en I used my binoculars only one day stalking under rain and they are not waterproof at all. It was one month ago and there is still water on the glass. I asked for a replacement, a refund or an exchange and I was offered a 30euro discount only A friend of mine has a similar problem with a scope. These products are not waterproof. Customer service refused to change the scope again. This company tells lies to sell you low quality products and they have absolutely no
  9. Thanks. I have a question for regular .243 users. At what distance maxi would you reasonnably try a shot on a stag by a clear and non windy day?
  10. I have little experience and I have been stalking and hunting enough to know that 90% of the people reading this forum shouldn't be allowed to take a red with a .243 - I would recommend a small caliber to someone who shoots very regularly, goes target shooting and have little experience of stalking - heavier caliber or very close shots should be recommended to those who have little experience or few opportunities to shoot. For your information .270 and 270WSM are making very happy stalkers everywhere else in Europe and they are considered as small calibers!!! I probably killed more an
  11. Well done Snap shot... I can see that you are not wasting your time
  12. Out with a friend near Limerick this week-end. My first time out for the woodcock this year in Ireland. It is early in the season and the birds are tired after the migration so we went out an hour only saturday and same sunday, it was more for the dogs than for ourselves. On saturday we took the springer spaniel with us. We were looking for birds into deep bushes. I took a clean shot on the first woodcock and almost had a chance to take a second one but the second was not flying high enough to shoot. The dog was a bit too excited and I saw few snipes but never had a chance to take one. We
  13. Thank you so much for this nice reportage on your day hunting! I am also a "snipe specialist" and I am impressed by the bags of birds that you are getting I had a look at your website as well, congratulations! Great job!
  14. Thank you lads your help is really appreciated. Would you recommend to take the 4.5-14X50 or is it the same problem?
  15. Hi all, I am about to place an order to a US dealer for a scope Zeiss Conquest 6,5-20X50 and I am thinking of saving money in adding Buttler Creeks, scope mounts and a Harris Bipod to this order. I will mount these accessories on a Tikka light T3 .243 synthetic and stainless (I don't have it yet). Which good scope mounts (LOW PROFILE) would you buy? Is the quick release system from Millet really reliable? Would you prefer a standard Leupold mount? Do you know any others? I will buy a harris bipod swivel 9" to 13" and I am not sure if I need to get an adapter or not? Can you plea
  16. Well done! Nice sea troot. Can you show me or explain the different type of lures you are using for the sea trout?
  17. Well it is a lot of money but it is a chance that you might not have again. It might be interesting like it might just be a question of pulling the trigger. Do you have more information? How would the stalking happen? Are there dogs involved? A verygood wildboar could cost big money as well so... here it seems to be really much.
  18. Hi Ian Thanks for reopening the forum. I understand how disappointing it can be to deal with people whishing to damage our image. We sincerely need to stick together in order to protect our hobby. Well done for everything you have done so far and please keep going
  19. Hi Dogs are sometimes very sensitive. If you bring a dog out at night for a first time you should better be very slow in getting him used to it. The first rabbits are like a game and the dog runs after them but the instinct of killing comes after. I am glad for you, that means your dog is sensible and not agressive. Don't worry sooner of later he will catch and as soon as he feels blood, he will kill... that's how nature works. Just take care your dog gets a good chance of catching again the next time and passion will come soon. Anyway your dog should be taken for walks before, hunting is
  20. Hi Unfortunately I am not home, I would easily organise such shooting for you. We have too many wildboars in France but stalking, tree stand and highseats is not popular. Most French like driven shoot,we are very few to go stalking. To be honnest there is nothing more exciting than the voice of fox terriers or hounds behing wildboars. If you speak few words of French, you should create an account on www.jeuneschasseurs.com (I am administrator of this one, it is for young hunters) or www.sangliers.net (a lot of wildboars specialists there) you will surely meet nice guys that will invite yo
  21. Hi all, Early in September I was invited by a friend in Kerry aera for week-end stalking and fishing. On the Friday he took me to a place where he knows nice Sika sometimes come and whistle. We had not luck as there was a river in between us and the forest and because of the rain, the courant was very strong. We got really wet and went back home without seeing any deer. Saturday morning we woke up quite late, around 6 and we did start climbing the Kerry mountains at 7h. After one hour and a half climbing we made a short tea break. I was looking around with my binoculars and I spotted
  22. Thank you Snap Shot I live just outside Dublin but I am not afraid of driving. You are not the first one to tell me that .270 is not really popular in Ireland, I really wonder why? The reason why I will prefer an american caliber is that ammo is really cheaper than with europeans calibers. A good .243 would do for me, no problem. I have planed to shoot a lot on target in order to know my rifle and my limits. Let me know if you can help Cheers Paddy
  23. Hi all, I am a new member on your forum and I need quite a lot of advice. I am an experienced 29 years old hunter and before I moved to Ireland I was really much involved in helping young hunters to access good shooting grounds for little money. I moved in Ireland 1 year ago and it seems that I will not move back before years, I just love this country. Today I am requesting your help because the rules are slightly different here and most my Irish friends doesn't know much about shooting. Shooting is more than a hobby, it is my life. I was grown up in the wildlife with my dogs (labrador
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