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Everything posted by diggerman

  1. Actually I deleted what I wrote because I couldnt be ars#d with argueing with you. Look theres fox dogs or theres rabbit dogs you cannot have a dog that does both. If you dug to your dogs you would know why.
  2. Only 4?? You can often see that many between Whitby and Egton. There is 1 dead at the top of our housing estate. We have them coming to our front gate every night. Setts are just at the back of our house, no more than 200 yards away. The kids love feeding them peanut butter on toast.
  3. Well if you take into consideration that the muscles are made of red and white tissues, and that both types of tissue have different jobs to do, then you can start working on what to give to build them up. I must admit I use supplements, I give catasol, or red cell depending on what I'm trying to do, catasol is an injectable that gives a boost, so is good if the dogs had a hard time of it. I also feed fats (day before planned dig) that slowly release energy, so on long digs the dog has plenty on board to keep it going, and I use a supplement that helps to stop the lactic acid build up, as this
  4. I got bit by an adder years ago whilst out digging, my arm swelled about three times int's normal size. I ended up in hospital on a drip and heart monitor overnight, just to keep an eye on me really. Anyway, the swelling went down after 24 hours and I was just left with a little bruising and a little bit of pain for a couple of days. Edited to say whilst in hospital they had my arm kept up in the air all night.
  5. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...howtopic=107418 there you go
  6. Never said all my dogs go early, as it happens, yes I have one that has, but I also have one the same age that isnt ready.
  7. Well age is unimportant, mentality and physically formed is what matters, I've seen dogs of 2 yrs that werent ready, on the other hand I've seen and own/owned dogs that have been ready and allowed to dig at 7-8 months old, I have one at the moment first dig at 7 months. Where people go wrong is they give too much too quick and the dogs get sick and jack. If you know your dogs well enough, and you have the experience with dogs to understand them, then you know when a dog is ready, age becomes unimportant. My best dog ever was first dug to at 8 months old, and his last dig was at 12 years old,
  8. I come away from the dogs for nearly 17 yrs, I gave all of my working terriers away for free barr 1 which I sold for £25, locators and nets were sold for £30 the lot. I decided to get back into the terrier game back end of 2008 and nearly shit my pants at how much terriers are selling for now, I dont know any local lads as I now live in a different area. If the dogs were given for free or the price of the food then there would be no reason for people to steal as there would be no money in it for them. I have said to lads with pups for sale that I would give them £50 and if the dog turned ou
  9. Nice little bitch you have there. Hope she makes the grade for you.
  10. Gutted for you TT. This is happening far too often, I hope you get them back.
  11. Fook singers hows about swingers
  12. Great looking pups. Hope they turn out good uns for you.
  13. Never owned any but seen a breed called a runt they are huge.
  14. I've a young dog here got diagnosed with Patella Luxatio, his back leg is no good at he just hops around on three legs. Doesnt stop him going to ground, but he wont ever be bred from.
  15. Voted earlier on. It should be made compulsory to vote.
  16. Sites going down hill rapid. I cannot believe some of the shite thats being posted on here lately. How long before theres a pic put up of a patt with a pink bow on its head.
  17. I think if/when the hunting ban is repealed that terrier work will be banned.
  18. I have one pisses in his bedding every day no matter how long he's been out for a walk, just the way he is, same as if another dog so much as barks at him, thats it everytime he see's that dog or goes past where the dog lives he wants to kill it, he's the smallest of my patts, but he rules this yard.
  19. Why would you think any less/more about a certain colour, if its bred right it could be pink with white spots for all I care.
  20. Goes without saying for me ..........SPADE everytime, lamping is shite and I dont get any enjoyment out of it, where as digging makes me feel like I've earned every one of those kills and I get a great buzz out of it.
  21. Name this member, then get around to the keepers place and explain things to him. Hopefully the keeper will understand and tell this other lad to feck off if he comes back.
  22. it all depends what you want your terrier to do someone going ratting will want one that works well on rats;for rabbiting one that works rabbits for foxs one thats cappable of bolting or killing a fox,for digging a steady bayer that stays till its dug to,and if you get one that do/s all these things you have a world beater. If I had a terrier that did all those things I would be gutted. I hate it when you here of people using dogs on rabbits and foxes. If you want a fox dog, dont let it near rabbits.
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