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Everything posted by jasper65

  1. This message serves to prove how our minds can do amazing things! Improvise things! In the beginning it was hard but now on this line your mind is reading it automatically without even thinking about it, Be proud! only certain people can read this, please forward if you can read this.
  2. Incredible how drivers walk away from crashes like that the guy cut straight across him when he was taking him on the inside, he must have known he was there the nob, unless it was a woman driver .........
  3. jasper65

    fathers day

    Bloody hell john I forgot about that one. my kids are still in bed! hope they remember to send the milkman his .....
  4. wow paulus not seen one of them for many years . brings back some memories ... remember the advert "Long Range Rabbit Pie"
  5. hehehehehehehehehehe!! now there's a gun that brings back some memories, remember they had a sticker on the top of the cyclinder which said "High Power" . I had a Airsporter S too for a while which I brough from a old company who advertised in airgun world called "The Mart At Lowerstoft", think they was about £85 back then. lovely gun but weighed a ton plus dropping pellets in the tap hole in the middle of the night was awkward . do you remember another gun they said was a real power house but was a pea shooter called a "Diana G80"?
  6. a pal had a Jackal Parabelum in .177 in the 's. the steel work and blueing was solid but the plastic M16 stock wasn't to my tastes . remember it was a sidelever which made a cracking noise when the safety catch was engaged, we soon had it to bits and removed it so it was quiet, also remember filling the plastic butt up with Polystyrene to quieten it down and remove the noise traveling through the hollow plastic stock. Have to say my .177 BSA Mercury S knocked spots off it back then ....
  7. should be a good season , the two manchester clubs fighting out with Chelsea not far behind and Liverpool mid table
  8. FFS pause for a reality check... You'll be telling us Liverpools going to win the Premier leagure next .
  9. Poor old Peregrine was taking some towards the end, you have to give crows some respect the way they back each other up when one's in trouble .
  10. seen more genius watching the chuckle brothers . having said that a wins a win and I think Rooney is eligable next match?
  11. C'mon Lab they played the pants off sweden ... they'll now go on and beat the likes of spain 6 - 0 and win it
  12. :laugh: I'm just being a realist mate.. trust me I want to see them do well, but by fook did we we look second rate against a average team at times, or should I say alot of times....
  13. are you sure Swedens not playing one of our sunday leagure teams .
  14. picked up a few dead young Pheasants a week or so ago and a few live one's wet through after the rain.... the keeper on this estate mentioned alot of the game rearers have also had a few problems this year too.... You would think alot of wild birds are suffering? fook knows how the birds that rely on Insects to feed young are going to manage, no where near as many insects as their should be this time of the year.....
  15. jasper65


    this site looks like its selling a few, there's used to be loads about on VHS before the DVD's took over ... http://www.garlandsfalconry.co.uk/search.asp?types=yes&type=Falconry+DVDs+%3E
  16. Looks like the summers knackered for most of us. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2159048/Twister-sighted-coast-Cornwall-Britain-hit-floods-gale-force-winds-Met-Office-warns-face-long-period-severe-weather.html
  17. Nice bit of footage for you Furgle of a Peregrine getting the job done
  18. the Irish supporters was still singing out loud after the whistle, great supporters .....
  19. Just seen Welbeck will have Andy Carroll paired up front with him. Defoe should have had a shout ahead or carroll?....... I still think Woy's men can win it and then go on and win the world cup
  20. Fook me is it ever going to get any better... severe weather warnings.. the worst June since records began......... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2159048/UK-weather-Forecasters-predict-major-flooding-Atlantic-storm-sweeps-in.html
  21. A Bargain Furgle . looks a very nice and compact system.... keep us posted how you get on with it .
  22. jasper65

    Hello all....

    I know what you're saying. my kids go on it and sit for ages just typing messages to friends . Can't see the point myself when they can pick the phone up or pay them a visit, I moan like hell about it but I think these days I'm just a old fart way behind the times . Emma Ford book is a decent book as is the glazier one. if you get the chance you might have to go to the Library for this one " The Art And Practice Of Hawking - E B Michell another is "A Hawk For The Bush - Jack Mavrogordato. Both Classics in their own right
  23. jasper65

    Hello all....

    Totaly agree woodie . Books will give you a insight into the world of falconry but like most things hands on is when the real learning about the hawk and techniques learned really comes to the fold. I've lost count how many books I have read on the subject and gleaned things in the past I think would help me the most, I would look through chapters over and over again and jot down info that I felt at the time would be of the most value to me. the problem is when you get into reading book after book after book they then start to contradict each other, people use different techniques that su
  24. this is one a good pal took a few years back while out ferreting, nice small finn x Hungarin female.
  25. What a nice handsom male. Lovely picture in the snow
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