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Everything posted by jasper65

  1. the MOTD team needs a shake up... Dixon is a good lad but Lineker, Shearer and Hansen have had their time... A pal rang up earlier from Caithness, first thing he said when I picked the phone up was "You're team was Pish" How right was he ........
  2. class penalty http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3svDWGTtu8
  3. Looking at the Man Utd players picked to play for the England team I must say I'm not surprised we lost the premiership. Ashley Young was a disaster, Rooney looked fat as I have ever seen him! far too many Mars bars, and Welbeck out of the three that featured was the best but still a lad learning his trade, a few more years and he'll be a regular ....
  4. No idea why Ashley young was still on the piitch to take a penalty , the lad had a mare all game.......
  5. The best team one hands down, if England won it on penalties after the way they played it would have been a big injustice.... seen a few Improvement with the England team in short bursts but boy was they hanging on by the skin of their teeth. Its been killing me all week reading some of the Tabloids telling us we can Win it, lost count how many times I have read that one ... No excuses lads we was second best through out the match
  6. This forum would be a sad old place with out the caracters named, time to lighten up me thinks .... after trolling through the seriouse stuff these lads posts and others have me in stitches, gives me a much needed laugh.... where would we be without the General forum hey? keeps me amused for hours ........
  7. there's a few down the aviaries being Parent reared Furgle which is nice to see, I love seeing the birds being reared which a reward for myself after the effort thats been put in . My heads not thinking about flying anything at the moment mate, can't say I'm over enthusiastic just yet but I'll see how I feel later. I have a nice little male Gos from last year which I might give a buzz again but as you know flying a birds takes up alot of time and commitment, not sure I can give that anymore.....
  8. looks a cracking P/R Gos . Nice to see a bird that knows he's a Hawk without all the mantling over their kills, he looks very contented on his Kills without a worry in the world what the falconers doing, this is testomy to his handling. you see so many birds badly picked up off Kills it shows when they are on quarry, He looks very contented and settled with you Alex ... Tony
  9. shoud be Rooney and Welbeck up front I reckon? both players know each others game playing in the same best club in the country ....
  10. jasper65


    was flying a Redtail in on permision behind our first house, there was no public right of way on this land yet people took it upon themselves to walk their dogs along the river bank. on one occasion I was walking along the river with the redtail putting him up and calling him down again when I noticed two woman following me, at first I thought they was interested in the bird but when they opened their cockney Gobs it was obviouse they was Anti's.. Basiocally they gobbed off telling me to leave "The f*****g Hares alone" the best bit is it hadn't crossed my mind to fly the hares. to cut a lo
  11. Great show!! very adictive.... Still love playing Chase Me while out on the lamp, the best bit is getting caught
  12. :laugh: spoke to a pal yesterday in caithness and he said the same ....
  13. thats was some kind of restraint, probably because he was filming it he didn't want to land one on him first. bit of pensioner rage here
  14. Wow that rocks some memories... I was always handed down Guns from my brother as a kid, first off was a Milbro of some sorts and then a Webley Hawk MKII. finally one birthday they ordered me a Webley Vulcan MK1 fitted with a 4 x 15 scope in that girly .22 calibe from the Grattan Catalogure . remember Grattan also had another gun in there called a "ASI Statical" another great gun from the ASI academy .....
  15. Used the plastic thin stuff in the past which is stuck to the side with double sided tape, Can't say the guttering of this type is very wide though and soon gets clogged... any other idea's anyone?
  16. Quick update... all six that came off the mother that died are doing well thanks to the advice on this topic, a tad over six weeks old now . The other mother still also has her six back with her which are roughly a week behind, these are also bang on..........
  17. You're right Keane does look bored stupid by it all at times. never thought I would see him sharing a studio with Patrick Viera . Nice to see Keane managed to get somthing right by tipping Portugal to win, he was spot on compared to the other two pundits .
  18. same here! would have loved to see the line judge land one on him .
  19. Bit over the top ..... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2160617/Argentine-tennis-player-David-Nalbandian-booted-Queens-Club-final-wild-kick-line-judge.html
  20. Can't hack it so much no more, spirits make me feel ill and with pints I have one and piss about four . still love a glass of cider though
  21. jasper65

    fathers day

    My kids finally got up about a hour ago. Got a knife off my 16 year old lad and a checked super dry shirt of my 13 year old Daughter . thought I was going to get toffees or slippers again but they pushed the boat out this year. nice to know they thought of their old Dad
  22. Spot on Greg! You're dead right . Just lost my job now
  23. took me a while to work it out too mate
  24. forgot to tell you I was a professor at Mensa
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