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Everything posted by jasper65

  1. jasper65

    My Hawks

    Very nice mate! Good tidy birds that look in fine fettle, credit to you.......
  2. Hello Fletcher This guy has traveled from Dunbartonshire before when he had a Finn x German female off me 2 years ago, This bird was killed last season when it hit the bottom runner of a Paddock chaseing a Rabbit, the Guy told me it snapped its keel in the strike! this year he came back and took a Finn female instead, she came out of the aviary with a lovelly attitude which was nice to see, I hear a good few things but not too often! normally I hear from them expecially with the Gos's when they're killed in action....... You have a PM Billy, about Merlins. My plans are to g
  3. The guys from Scotland came to day and picked up their Finnish female a Merl;in and two Musket spars, It took them 6 1/2 hours to ge hear! there's commitment for you. I was gutted to see her go as she was the most sensible bird in the aviary, a gennuine nice bird with some nice boots and thick legs, a bit different than the one I'm flying this year! looking at her in the aviary she's a lunatic .
  4. Thy're cracking pic's Mush! a Guy in the village had some British finches and I would love to knock up some aviaries and keep some, I hope this does'nt sound stupid but is the King Harry in the pic Crossed with a Canary? Cheers Tony
  5. jasper65

    sum pics

    :11: :11: :11:
  6. I tell you what I would have second thoughts Poaching this guys land if I saw this . Cheers Tony http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TIN-SIGN-NO-TRESPASS...1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. jasper65


    Hello Billy Boy I love the Dogs but certainly did'nt at the time, having my Gos killed by them left me bitter for a while and at the time felt like disposeing of the dogs but at the end of the day I realise its not there fault, thats what they do! it was Human error when the missus left the door open and it happend, but it won't be repeated. I take it you're on a few Falconry Forums Billy Boy? I mentioned the Gos being killed on a couple but was so distraught about it my enthusiasm hit rock bottom, its time for me to turn another page now and look forward to this year . Cheers
  8. jasper65


    Hello Billy Boy I have come across greenwoodpeckers remains around a spars plucking post but never seen one taken, I have seen what you mentioned in the next post about spars leaving pigeon kills! we walked over to a Conifer plantation Decoying and got one up out of a ditch only to find a fresh Pigeon just killed, they're tough little birds them bloody spars when you consider what a handfull a woody must be to them. I once saw a Musket take a Tit in a flash from the tops of some silver birch trees, it happend close to a nest I used to watch as a lad, the Musket never missed a wing beat
  9. jasper65


    I'm in agreement with the other lads .
  10. jasper65


    Hello Billy I left Lincolshire near sutton bridge in 2000. it was nice and quiet but sometimes too quiet, all there was for miles was flat fenland which was did my head in litterally. I like to get out in the country where the woods are so we moved more towards Norwich direction, its nice hear and I have a conifer wood to escape in at the bottom of the garden and one to the side of the house. Sounds like you have had some sport in the past Billy, My enthusiasm took a dip for the last couple of years but I'm getting a Buzz again this year watching these young Gos's chaseing and playing
  11. jasper65


    Hello Shaun Alot of people say its Magpie but I don't agree! a Spar flying half cocked can catch them with one foot in its pocket, Black birds will test them but having said that I had a female "Alex" when I lived in Licolnshire that would take them nearley every slip, it was flat and open around there and walking around the farm buildings and flushing them in the open was good sport, I also used to watch patiently as blackies would leave the trees in the garden and fly down into the crop field across the road, I would then walk onto them armed with the spar until they flushed, some of the
  12. jasper65

    perch to perch

    Looks good Mate so long as the bird can't get through or under the Bow! if it does thats big trouble as mentioned in a previouse post, Derry Argue the dog man uses one and has made his totally fool proof! I'm trying to get him to join aswel as being a renowned dog man he's can turn his hand to most things. the trolly system is a great idea if you get it set up right with no Hiccups . Cheers Tony
  13. jasper65


    Nice One Beelzebub and Stollen You're dead right there stollen they certainly get the job done! I had one I used to do High jumps with up the stairs of the house a fair while ago, in time she new the score and I could flick her down the stairs to her bow at the bottom! she was so manoverable that sometimes she would turn in the narrow gap of the stairs and hit the glove again before I could get some more meat on the glove , many times I would flick her down the stairs and in a blink should had flicked over in the air and back on the glove :whistle:, they're a class act in their own right.
  14. jasper65


    Hello Billy Boy I have flown a few and enjoyed all of them but if you make a bad Imprint it will mantle like hell and can also show some aggresion although its not a problem with a spar, Birds that are dual creched and finnished off in a enclosed aviary are better mannered all round, from a sporting point of view these birds take some beating, the one in the pic was foolish enough to Bind to a Cock Pheasant in the stubble and was dragged through brambles and had the sense to let go! cracking birds and getting someone to beat for you is a benefit. Cheers Tony
  15. jasper65


    Nice one jake! Hows it going mate after the Hols? Its far too hot hear at the moment and doing my tits in :whistle:
  16. jasper65


    Nice pic Rob Just had a guy pick up a P/R Finn X German male and while I was down there too some pic's of a Finn female through the spy hole which will be going August 5th, one of the pic's she is next to a Finn X German Female and the other on her own! I'm made up with the mother to these lines as she is chucking out some exceptional large birds. Cheers Tony
  17. Hello Ian People posting this Crap is opening up the Forum to critisism from all sorts of establishments, its a cracking forum which we should all be proud of! thankfully its only a minority, a vast Majority of the people on here have their heads screwed on and are good people with a bit of Common sense. Tony
  18. jasper65


    Nice one mate! Enjoy your Holiday and stay Sober
  19. jasper65


    Hi All Just a couple of pic's of three of the females in the aviary, they're not very clear as they was taken through the spyhole, the one in the middle is Stright Finnish! if you look at the W - Ring you can see its fairley tight on her leg so I expect her to be a nice size bird, the other two either side of her are Finn X Germans females, One of these could well be for sale as I think I have a time waster on my hands! first deposit for her will secure her! they all around six weeks now and P/R, if anyone is interested in her PM me, also a pal has some Merlins for sale just down the road
  20. Happy Birthday Millet you old Git . Hope you have a good one mate Cheers Tony
  21. Hi All I just picked up a Brittany bitch 8 weeks old, Its a real bundle of fire but does seem a little bit deaf! I'm not sure if its just me or what but it does'nt respond to any squeeky toys or any noise and carries on walking obliviouse to everything, does this seem a problem or am I being Paranoid? :wacko:. Cheers Tony
  22. jasper65


    I'm a Man U supporter but to be Honest I don't think this lads going to be very popular in pre-season training, I'm not saying that England would have won if Rooney did'nt walk as the way they played with or without him was shite! but Ronaldo was a total Wanker the way he reacted to a club team mate.
  23. Cheers for that Paddy and DODDO. The pic is the smallest of the two, I put him out on the lawn but as expected he was a bit scatty and pretty much none aproachable as yet! the could be steadied up but I won't be doing anything with them to steady them while they're in the moult. I know what you're saying DODDO, I'm totaly over birded at the moment and need weathering space desperatley! I'm bringing on two Imprint Peregrines from my pair which one from the first clutch is about 40 days and the other about 8 days, I'm also Imprinting a finn male I have kept back! once these are penned I'
  24. Here you go then lads the Pair for £300! these are last years birds that could be breeding in a couple of years plus the enjoyment of flying them, if not I'll have no other choice but to feed them to my Gos's :whistle: , this is one of the males out on the bow.
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