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Everything posted by jasper65

  1. Here you go Moll! Arthur's selling them on Ebay and plenty of other equipment too . http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/12v-6v-500ma-Charger...oQQcmdZViewItem
  2. No mate you two was alot more Intelligent than me when you came down last time, don't forget I'm from Norfolk and you know what they say about Norfolk People "Norfolk Born Norfolk Bred!! Strong In The Arm And Thick In The Head"... Plus I can't remember which one it was but one of you could play my Electric guitar pretty well, I still can't play a decent note on the f*****g thing :whistle: Did you get sorted out with a Redtail, if not I know a guy who I get my quail off who has a breeding pair but it would mean a treck down this way again......
  3. Nice one Moll I'll give them a bell
  4. Cheers for the info lads , the Battery I use is the same as ferreterno1 12v 7amp! hopefully I havn't wrecked it with the car charger! does anyone know where I can get hold of a charger with a light to show when its charged? Cheers Jasper
  5. Welcome Eddie :welcomeani: , shame we can't get sound on here course we would of loved to here a rendition of "Summertime Blues" or "Something Else" ....
  6. Welcome to the site mate :welcomeani:, it will be good hearing about that Redtail of yours ...
  7. jasper65


    Sorry mate here she isn't , try again and click on the bottom of the post "Browse" and select the picture you and want from you picture folder, and then click "Add Attachment" and then "Add Reply" ...
  8. Can you do damage to the Battery if you over charge? I used a 4amp car charger on mine and was adviced to only run it for around a hour at the most, the trouble is I forgot and it got 5 hrs pumped into it , it still seems ok but could I have done any long term damage?
  9. Tell me about it mate! I married a 8 stone stunner and she turned into Shreks Missus once the kids came along, and boy! now she's Forty its f*****g scarey waking up next to her ...
  10. No mate I think you're getting muddle up with Polly's Tunnel .
  11. Anyone going off the Forum? http://www.holkham.co.uk/html/country_fair.html
  12. I have just over the last few days dug out and built the frame of a 15 x 10 Poly tunnel following the Instructions. we got it so we can hopefully grow some fresh veg! I'm starting on the doors tomorrow but I'm Fooked if I know how to put polythene over the ends as their is nothing in the Instructions? I have a rough idea about doing the side with a base rail and battoning the polythene to it but how do you keep it in one peice and stretch it around the ends? I'm trying to get a easy life with this after having to dig out a few ton of soil to get it level! our back garden is on a hill and well
  13. Nice one mate ! its a wallet photo Honest. it's her who has all the efigees of me with pins shoved up their arses, plus I noticed she just upgraded my life Insurance .
  14. sounds like you have good mate! I know lads down here who have to be In when their missus tells them. when I met my missus she only moved in the area 3 years earler from Hemel Hempstead, her parents expected big things from her and to be Honest she was pushed into alot she didn't want to do includeing pushing her to be a teenage Model which she hated, it all changed when she met me mate , I kept it quiet at first what I got upto when it got dark, but she was fascinated and loved going out with the gun rather than Pub and also loved coming out with the birds, its funny as it seemed like this wa
  15. I think your right mate ! anyone can take up a Imprint Goshawk and go out and kill something but wether they get the best out of it is a different matter, its the same with the Harris's! you see plenty that are obedient to the fist and take a few bunnies and Pheso's on the rise but they never reach their full potential either through weight management or never getting really fit, half the problem with alot of people who fly Harris's is they fly them too high! its cause they're so amicable you can get away with this compared to alot of birds, the problem is they never reach their true potential
  16. My missus gets well involved! she feeds young chicks she feeds the Hawks, she casts them while they're being fitted with Anklets and jesses, and goes in aviaries taking first clutch eggs in full battle dress Includeing a full faced Helmet to protect her from the females. On the shooting point of view she Guts and skins and necked Mixxy Rabbits while I have been out with her around the farms , I just found out she used to be a bloke . This is one of the reasons we've been married 17 years course she's on my wave length and mucks in big time ....
  17. I know what you're saying MEIKLE. alot of driven shoots around here won't allow Semi's or Pumps let alone one of these things. I could just see one of the Hooray Henry's dressed up in his tweeds with one of these in his Hands on a Pheasant drive ..
  18. Just seen this 12g on the net, would look good on the a game shoot or a spot of clay busting :whistle:. http://www.rusmilitary.com/html/firearms_saiga12.htm
  19. Hello Jon for some reason I can't get the link to work, is the site down? Jasper
  20. Oh mate can't you look back at it with a smile on your face , I don't know about you lads but I wouldn't swap my childhood for the young lads these days. I loved my old Mercury S Frank , I remember when it was first being tested in Airgun World by a guy called Geoffrey Boxall and then a field test with another guy called Rod Lynton, I fell in love with it as it was spitting out .177 Eley wasps on the test at a average 875fps ! I remember jacking in a BSA Super Meteor, a BSA Standard Mercury and all my savings for this lovelly Mercury S, I then saved up spent out on a Tasco 2.75 x 40 scope and
  21. Been a full member of the BFC for a while now, as for value for money I have to say for my £42 or so subscription you don't get spoilt, having said that I'm in the club inspection program so I manage to get my registration fees for for youngsters down from £20 per bird to £14 , if you add the saving I make even for breeding just 10 birds its well worth it. as for the Eastern region shortwing meets! enough said :whistle:.. To be Honest Millet its handy due to the Personal Public Liability you'll get with it and a few glossy mags with Birds in comprimiseing posers , you'll also have a loc
  22. From the 70's to 's on it would be for me AirgunWorld Mag, Air Rifles and trying to sqeeze a bit more out of them, and saving up to get a BSA Airspoter S or Mercury S . plus why won't my Kestrel take rabbits .
  23. Viagra! I'm going to need loads of the f*****g things in a few years time ..
  24. I had a Falcon Raptor FN19 in .177 a few years back and really liked the gun, the one thing I probably could pick on is the Blueing! if the gun was left with the lightest condensation or water by the next day it would have surface rust, the gun was accurate as hell but then I think most of the pre-charge are.
  25. The Gun!! It can always end a arguement in your favour , gives a whole lot of sport! can also be a good pot filler...
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