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Everything posted by jasper65

  1. jasper65


    We're certainly Interested in Birds for the right price that we think there's a healthy market for Anka....
  2. They seem to be everywhere these days! she's in lovelly condition though ferreterno1 and by the looks of her has done well for herself in her first year, I keep hearing about alot hitting conservatory windows chaseing stuff and killing themselves out right.....
  3. You're dead right Frank Paypal is a nightmare! I have had probs in the past but nothing compared to a guy I spoke to up the school a while back who was having problems with PP. he was selling alot of stuff with over a Grand in his PP account! when he tried to transfer some of the funds into his Bank he couldn't get any out , I'll ask him how he got on next time I see him but I think it had been pretty long term before he told me, just out of Interest anyone! is Paypal now owned by Ebay too?
  4. jasper65


    Hello Anka :welcomeani: to the Forum. Me and a partner are always interested in Importing birds of any Interest provideing there are no restriction in place at the time, Black Sparrowhawks are high on the agenda but there are a good few other species we're considering! do you breed any birds yourself or have you any contacts who breed who may be Interested in exporting any birds to the UK? Cheers Jasper
  5. Oh fook that made my eyes water . a good few years back there was a big time Carpet salesman in the area who cheated on his missus and obviously she found out, it turns out that while he was asleep she poured a tube of super glue over his Todger and sack, the guy needed alot of surgery and skin graphs for some time afterwards :whistle:.....
  6. Thats good new chalker that Ella is on the mend, Best wishes you and the family mate, expecially to Ella . thats spot on what Dodger and Tommy did for her, Top lads .......
  7. Bang on , it will be the people who take the action in the end in the form of a civil war not this shite Government, one big Demo or upriseing to take them on will trigger others all over the country and hopefully some action.....
  8. jasper65


    I have some nice pic's maaccy of the lad climbing trees in south africa taking the youngsters under lisence but can't get them on, when everything is all arranged the plan is to have 4 imprints flown over here, My percentage won't be for sale but will be kept back for my own breeding project, the guy told me he has seen some of the wild BS's chase his racing pigeons high into the clouds and was relentless until the caught them, it would be interesting to see how they fair in this country as to be Honest I havn't heard much good press about them as a flying bird.....
  9. jasper65


    I have packed up doing Merlins now in Favour of Mainly Accipiters and a few other Falcons! also if everything goes to plan this year I have done a deal with a Guy in south Africa through Bob Haddon to bring in some black spars, the birds won't belong to me but I will be doing all the AI work and taking my percentage for myself. if you're Interested in the Merlins I'll PM you Rob's number! I know the other year he wasn't keen on selling Imprints, he put some out to Hack in 2005 but I don't think he is taking that route again....
  10. jasper65


    There's a guy called "Rocky" out Cromer way with a couple of pairs which should go this year........
  11. jasper65


    Looks like a first year jack to me there Bukutchi or it could be the picture....
  12. jasper65


    Traditionaly Fletch they're flown at skylarks but unfortunatley the season is pretty short, they're dynamite though mate and very gamey! and will chase birds alot larger than themselves. Alot of the old stuff written would tell you that Merlins are only any good at this quarry in their first season and after become lazy and wanting, this is a total falasy! the guy I was talking about in the previouse post was flying a female a few years back called "Heidi", she was called this as she had a problem with one of her eyes and would hide her head under her wing when aproached, this bird started
  13. jasper65


    These birds are selling like rocking horse shit but personaly I think these days they're fetching far too much money, heres a few Bred by myself and and by another guy in the last 3 years, the first pic taken in the 06 season is the final result as it should turn out
  14. My missus used to have a Phobia 21 years ago when I first met her due to her Nans Macaw scareing the shit out of her when she was a kid, she's now had no other choice to take to them as they have been in her face ever since :whistle:, I trust her 100% with all the birds now and she's always the one I use to cast the birds when putting on any equipment or whatever. Unfortunately the only phobia she has now is getting her kit off for me .
  15. :welcomeani: to the site Fagan .
  16. :welcomeani: to the forum Randy ..
  17. :welcomeani: I'm sure you'll enjoy it here...
  18. Very Good Mate !! I'm about at number 3 at the moment :whistle:.
  19. jasper65


    I live pretty much in the country apart from a Road with a few house down, if you go a couple of Hundred yards past this house you'll be heading into no where and beleive me its heaven, if you look at the pic with the the land behind the house in the distance is where I Fly and shoot on, the other is a Pair of Cock birds squaring up in my driveway...
  20. jasper65

    fight fans

    Oh f**k that was funny
  21. You can say that again mate , the last falconry fair I went to was about 5 years ago when it was the last time at Althope, I walked around and Bumped into a few good lads in the club tents for a chat and walked round some more, heard a few stories from Falconers who have Huge big willys and catch more and fly the biggest birds in the country and left thinking its the last time I bother so I never have, I probably saw more disagreements that day from guys suffering from "Big Willy Syndrome" than I have anywhere else, The other problem is they tend to have Faclonry fairs smack bang in the middle
  22. jasper65


    Hello mate This is just a rough pic of a 3 block weathering with some Gos's in, they're 6ft deep, 5ft wide each, by 4 1/2 high at the fron t with a 6 inch drop at the back for drainage, I have the same set up further up the garden but this is only a double weathering, the fronts is from the security fences they use on Building sites or whatever cut to size. Cheers Jasper
  23. Some of this is good stuff but having a slab of concrete infront of your face and then having it hit with a sledge hammer could slightly be bad for your health ....
  24. The guy needs to go in funny Farm :whistle: ...
  25. jasper65


    Thats a pretty looking bird! very nice ...
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