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Everything posted by jasper65

  1. jasper65


    Blimey I fell for it :whistle:, very good...
  2. nice picture Gary, you did well to see it ...
  3. "Falconry Art And Practice by Emma Ford" is a nice starter book Simon, "A Hawk For The Bush by Jack Mavrogordato" is also a classic in its own right, "The Modern Falconer By Diana Durman Walters" is also a nice starter read, one I nearly missed out of is "Falconry And Hawking by Philip Glasier" this is a nice book too but didn't over do it for me. I like the older books to be Honest mate that was written well before any legislation when bagged quarry was still legal and taking birds from the wild. one called "The Art And Practice Of Hawking by E. B Michelle" I can still pick up and read an
  4. jasper65

    dont try this

    I know what you're saying Faff but then again there is alot worst things happening on the public roads every 5 minutes, drivers that are pissed up, people with no Insurance, Kids blasting about in Nicked cars, and the worst of the lot!! Old Grannies of about 90 still driving :whistle:.......
  5. jasper65

    dont try this

    Kiya with all respect flying birds out of car windows has been going on for years! Andy Reeve did it in the 90's with Spar at the black stuff, Chris Soans and a couple of others did it with Imprint Gos's and some of the best slips I have ever had with Falcons a few years back out of the Hood have been out of a car window, if I jumped out the car to Unhood the falcon for the slip they would be well on the way before the bird could come to terms with them.. I know alot of Old school Falconers don't like it but things have moved on with the times, from my point of view my only worry flyin
  6. jasper65

    A question

    I would carry on regardless Kelly! if they nick me they nick me but at the end of the day my excuse would be my birds need excercise and thats exactly what I'm doing :whistle:, I don't think they could ever ban us flying them but its the Hunting side they might try it on with! but then again if I was exerciseing a bird and it caught something it was a complete accident :whistle:
  7. :welcomeani: to the Forum
  8. :welcomeani: to the forum....
  9. :welcomeani: to the forum....
  10. :welcomeani: to the Forum.....
  11. I watched the film SAW 3 the other week and boy was that brutal, the guy in the leg arm and head clamps at the end was the worst out of all the games! it had me cringeing when they started to twist his legs and arms round, cracking films though that keep you riveted ....
  12. I wouldn't put it past old Brown the Gormless twat , he's got a thing about Hammering 4 x 4's and sqeezing as much Tax as possible out of everyone.....
  13. :welcomeani: to the forum....
  14. jasper65


    Wow! the swedish birds are a bit special hey :tongue4: not so Impressed with with the English birds :whistle:, mind you there's some crackers get up our local nightclubs that not far off a match for the swedish birds....
  15. Oh mate I nearly had a Hernia reading this!! well funny....
  16. Well done mate nice shooting , nice to see a .177 enthusiast showing what they're easily capable of ....
  17. jasper65

    spar bow

    I saw a cracking idea Millet where a bloke used some 15mm copper water pipe and bent it to make the bow, at each end he heat soldered a T connector and on each end of this he soldered a some more pipeing about 8" long so it could stand as a indoor bow, the feet was then filled with Sand or something heavier to stop the bird from dragging, a ring should be added to the bow before you put the feet on and hey presto all you need to do is add your padding to the top of the perch ..... I'm not saying its much good for much else but for a spar its perfect......
  18. jasper65


    The snow will be a nightmare for me this time of the year just as birds are coming into breeding condition , I just start to get things up and running with some now coming in and the cold weather slows them down again. I don't know whats going on but I have a pair of established breeders which are normally treading this time of the year and so far are doing nothing, everything is set up the same as usual but no displaying or anything , its probably got something to do with the way the weather has been behaving. I'm trying to find a website I had sent me of a guy who predicts the weathe
  19. Nice one eddie!! don't forget to Parachute me off over the arena first before you make your landing mate ...
  20. :welcomeani: to the Forum....
  21. jasper65

    spar bow

    simple cure for braking Decks is a tail sheaf! easy to make and can be clipped on or one made to pop over a tail bell, wrap it round and secure the edges with Velcro, a tail sheaf will always come in handy for any Mantling Imprints or a youngster coming straight out of the aviary while its at its heavy Bateing stage.....
  22. I reckon I'll be up for that one but not sure what day just yet ...
  23. :welcomeani: to the forum.....
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