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Everything posted by jasper65

  1. You're 100% right mate . learned alot this year the way this weather has played havoc with my birds, never known nowt like it in all the time I have owned them...
  2. Don't give me the "I'm getting old" bit. You are a old Fossil dating back before the internal combustion engine The guy you knew in Lutterworth who bred Goshawks way back in the 70's certainly didn't have any supplement designed expecially for BOP. a good diet was everything but crshed egg shells was used back then and even heard of cuttle fish ground to powder used to up the calcium content . Vitamins certainly aren't a replacenent for a good diet but boy can they help expecially if a particular bird or animal is lacking in somthing which may well be medicaly related.
  3. seen a Jay take young blue tits from around bird feeders in the past PJ, also seen a crow walk along a flat topped leylandi hedge before dropping head long into the middle and coming out with a young collard dove chick. I had a jackdaw when I was a lad and would let him out earley in the morning and sit with the bedroom window open watching him get up to mischief, I saw him on a few occasions pull young Sparrows out of the guttering to eat . Having said that mate the wild birds seem pretty hungary this year probably due to the poor weather we have been having, read somthing on the net
  4. Used many different vitamins in the past from SA37 to A1 Raptor plus the Raptor Essentials stuff. the best bit is some of the vitamins I used in the past for Reptiles not associated with BOP was some of the best available and also alot cheaper, the funny thing is they also contained virtually the same ingredients. I had a bird in the past that even though fed a good varied diet would lay soft shell eggs towards the nd of its clutch and second clutch, for some reason this bird needed a extra ordinary amount of calcium, it could have suffered with a inherited calcium defficiency I don't know
  5. Talk about missed chances!! Bayen should have wrapped the game up in the first half. they was camped in the chelsea half and should have been at least two up at half time. Chelsea did what they had to do to win the game tactics wise, not a exciting game to watch from their point of view but a great win for the club all the same. some payback for the multi millions the owner has thrown into the club .
  6. think civil war is on the cards in many Euorpean countries, the shits got to hit the fan somtime the way things are going. many situations seem to be hitting a breaking point which could get nasty for all of us. just been reading this link which was a interesting cut on the situation http://www.dailymail...ance-chief.html
  7. Going for spain . Can't be patriotic on this one.... there's no point backing a loseing team! England's out of the question .
  8. Got some wild Boar Sausages off a german guy last year, they was fooking woppers and probably the best sausage I have had. even the missus said the german sausage was the biggest she has had in her mouth in a longtime, It takes alot of chomping before you can finally swallow .....
  9. Can't see the problem if you have two genuine working breeds. read some info lately on a american site about Lab x Brittany!! have to say what I read was glowing reports showing up the best of both breeds in the one dog. OK its not everyone taste expecially among the purists but somtimes crossing dogs as crossing other species gives you the best of both breeds? alot of people slated Hybrids in Birds Of Prey a few years ago yet some of these Hybrids have proved themselves time and time again . Having said that I look at some and think WTF thats about
  10. Its a strange old year so far mate. makes me laugh how lately we keep getting all this extreme weather breaking records? last year it was supposed to be one of the Hottest April on record and this year its one of the wettest. somthing's well and truely up the creek with our climate which is effecting Insects, plants and other wildlife expecially in the breeding seasons...
  11. come to think of it you've got a point there Rob
  12. can't beleive what the guy is saying about films like Jungle book and Tarzan, these are old harmless classics. headering the ball for all those years has finally taking its toll ....
  13. think dymented pictures pretty much solves it as a otter
  14. think he should stick to being a football pundit. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4325521/John-Barnes-Kipling-has-helped-make-Britain-a-nation-of-passive-racists.html
  15. wes schneider was one being bantered about and the other lad sanchez that went to barcelona Kagawa looks a class act, just hope city don't gasump us to his signature..
  16. Its a strange one JJ M. got one Gos here that took semen from 6th April and finally layed one egg on 11th May . wether I caught or not I have no idea yet as the last shot of semen I got into her was 6 days before, there's a chance I may have done but I won't be holding my breath mate. also had birds that normally recycle for me that just shut down. I read also that alot of the wild birds that feed insects to their young will be suffering this year, think its right as there's no where near the amount of insects about as you expect for this time of the year...
  17. yep granted but there's debts and there's mega debts, some holes get dug that they never get out of ........
  18. makes me wonder how much is in the kitty for players this year? thought it was strange last year when the transfer deadline came and went and we didn't buy targets linked with Man Utd . Looking at the team we have at the moment we're missing a few decent players, Read yesterday that eden hazzards father mentioned he wants to go to a club that gives him regular football? think this points to city...
  19. Just been reading the amount of debt Man U are in, by all acounts they lose £250,000 per day in debts .... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2145794/Manchester-United-net-debt-rises-26m.html
  20. Yes mate they will, and also enter cover to secure quarry . Had a female lift over the top of woodland and drop like a stone, when I got over there she was grounded by the edge of the wood with Rabbit fur around her, they're certainly not the biggest birds but make up for it with their gameness. I had one that never had the gameness of the other two but then again I suppose you get that in all walks of life..... I was wondering. I think its a prairie at 2 mins 10 in this vid? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-FZdIrKyBk very nice Dogmagic . I would also say its a Prairie some 11 m
  21. good call by him if he has lost the enthusiasm with the game. he always comes across as a genuine lad with his head screwed on, no doubt about he will be missed! the guys a proper racer from start to finish. would like to see Rossi back on a Yamaha
  22. :laugh: the missus eyes lit up when we read they grow up to 18 inches ....
  23. anyone grown any? aparantly they can grow upto 18 inches long ...
  24. Liverpool wouldn't go far wrong bringing in Paul Lambert from Norwich, he's worked wonders there and seems a class act manager wise. by all account Villa are now tracking him...
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