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Everything posted by jasper65

  1. they ban alot of stuff on there these days, shame on them. most of this stuff brings back alot of memories ..
  2. love the way this guy sykes himself up before finally getting the job done http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2Tgpgz6HWc
  3. Not good Rich. How the fook are you expected to do your job when them things are up? they can't have it both ways.........
  4. Yes mate thats fat weight . this stuff gets the job done Mick, trouble is a bottle can be pretty pricey and hard to get hold off at some places asking for prescription, yet others its no problem....
  5. Just been looking at the picture John and the wife reckons it looks like the frost has got to them? she's probably wrong as usual but might be worth thinking about ..
  6. Hadn't had a Rabbit for a few years but knocked one over with the bird a few months ago and decided I'm eating this one . one cheap easy nice meal
  7. the missus somtimes knocks them out in a salad sliced up thin Barnaby, to be Honest I prefer to sit and munch my way through them with some salt ....
  8. Voted scotland!! a lad comes down most years and drops me off a venison meat pack and a few genuine Haggis.... top grub from Gods unspoilt Country.......
  9. Unbeleivable . you would think the birds would see that coming a mile off.... Just seen the video which proves beyond doubt, perhaps if they tipped them Orange or red it would help.
  10. couldn't agree more. the guy needs a visit, he should never have birds or anything else for that matter.
  11. :clapper: cracking track.... classy band was the Macc Lads. Loved this one.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTfZCg6zj9M
  12. think you're right there Lee. one of them Red crows squarking down the top of a mole hill is enough to make him surrender
  13. Have heard some Arabs have trained and Hunted Cheetahs, would love to see it put into practice. a guy where I shoot always used to give me his old shooting and sporting Magazines, remember reading a article about a guy who hand reared a stoat! there was a few pictures of it probably as tame as a Ferret which got me thinking wouldn't it be good if you could get out and do somthing with it? no idea if you can manage them and use them as the same princible as Ferrets?
  14. Not for the faint hearted catching moles. certainly wouldn't advice flying anything smaller than a Goldie or large female Redtail at them. moles are more than capable of dragging hawks down their hole's and devouring them . Flying Harrishawks at them? my money is on the mole everytime ....
  15. sorry about that mate. heads up my arse this time of the year....
  16. jasper65


    Just seen this link, Can't say its a bad thing to be honest. seen 9 in the air at one time over our aviaries which send the birds balistic. http://www.bbc.co.uk...onment-18183204
  17. I love the stuff PP . I'll ask the missus but it seem to be easy to grow with always plenty in a crop. Had some with the sunday dinner last week mate, went down lovely with plenty of gravy ....
  18. everything seems slow coming through here compared to last year. the wife has earthed up her Potaoes a couple of times and planted some chard and a few other things outside . so far the only thing we have had out this year are some Lettuces a bit of chard and some radish's mainly from out the tunnel. spent alot of time in the wifes tunnel that last few weeks ....
  19. Now that one sounds a good one to try, hopefully somone will come up with a recipe, fancy trying that one myself too ....
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