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Everything posted by jasper65

  1. seen it with the accipters a few times because how highly strung they can be, had one a few years ago throw a wobbly when it was being jessed up.....
  2. jasper65

    ebay help

    think this is bang on unless the seller has quoted payment within a set period of time say 3 days
  3. this is just my cut on this lads but I'm now preparing myself to have my head caved in .. Obvously over the year being a so called Englishman I wanted to see the England team do well, when I says over the years I mean years and years and years and years . I used to be fooled by the hype and fooled by the tabloid press giving it the big'un on how we can win this and win just about everything, each time my expectations was left in tatters, the final insult was not quailfying for thew Euro's last time round . I'm sick now of watching a bunch of club players who otherwise perform admirabl
  4. Nice one Paulus. he's done it for a few years now, thought we was going to lose him when we moved house!! as soon as we lifted the cage down he was on the floor gapeing, I expected to find him dead by the time we arrived at the other place but he recovered and perked up again ....
  5. we've had this cock canary now for a good 8 years who still sings his heart out on his day. the problem we have with him which has gone on for a few years now is he seems to have small fits when disturbed for the smallest reason? simple things like cleaning him out or changing bath water will have him twittering and sitting on the bottom of the cage gapeing, within 10 mins he is up and fine again jumping round the cage. anyone come across this before?
  6. what a improvement after Lenny Henry .
  7. a pal went a cross to Bircham Newton near Sandringham a few years back to watch some of the Royals shoot, by all accounts not only was he a decent gun he was also a gent and spent some time between some drives coming over and talking to some of the locals. read a few stories about him on shoots and clashing with Anti's in the past. no doubt he is a Royal but he has alot in common with all of us in the Hunting/Shooting faternity . anyone watching the jubilee concert? Lenny Henry couldn't raise a laugh while I have a hole in my arse ....
  8. Loved my Jackdaws Craigy. made a mistake when I was a lad in getting two and creche rearing them together, once they was out they got up to all sorts of mischief leading each other on and hard to get back!! the only way I ever had control of them was to keep one penned and let them out one at a time. the first one I had before I had the pair I could let him out and bugger off to school all day, you might find this hard to beleive but I used to have to sneak out of the front door and climb over the fence, if the bird heard the gate latch go he would follow me all the way to school , on
  9. Never been Lanesra but would love to go for a few days with my lad one day, the lad loves the bike racing as much as I do . watching some of them onboard camera shots down them narrow roads gets the hairs standing up on the back of my neck . the wifes cousin is Bradley Smith MotoGP Moto2, also plan on getting out and watching him someday in the future
  10. Anyone watching it? Good to see John McGuinness win for the 18th time
  11. Had some good fruit off them last year Trappa. they're trees I put in a couple of years ago and not that big but one in particular had plenty of apples on last year ...
  12. Yep! seen a few around the garden the weather has played havoc with many things this year........
  13. Three apple trees in the garden with only one with fruit on, even then it looks like 4 at the most. these same trees fruited nice last year but for some reason this year hardly anything? the wife thinks its probably because they wasn't pollinated, any idea anyone? or anyone else having the same problem?
  14. wonder how many with the same thinking as him walk around in the UK? if the same situation occures in this country he would end up arrested, any nutters like this should be blown him away and finished with, the Yanks won't take prisoners in these situations....
  15. My 16 year old lad has a Xbox 360, he pretty much lives on the fooking thing until the earley hours of the morning. Love the FIFA games and play them now and again but them fast scrolling shoot'em ups send me giddy, 10 mins playing on these and my heads all over the place!! with FIFA I'm fine but the others I can't play on. think we should set up a THL team on FIFA and kick some arse . My lad has a team with a few of his old mates from school playing different positions, must say it looks a good laugh playing against other peoples teams on line.....
  16. Spot on Graigyboy . If I didn't have all the Hawk aviaries here I would love one off you. Can you let Imprinted Jays out like Jackdaws Craig? Had Jackdaws when I was a lad and the odd Carrion crow but never a Jay, a Pal had one that used to talk and later when I met Gill the wife I still had a 9 Year old Jackdaw that used to talk. I'll find a picture of it with the missus and get it fired up in a mo ..
  17. Love the round ceiling lights
  18. Had a Pair last year off Rob and very pleased with them, they sit on a Goshawk moulting out in the weathering and look as good as they did when they arrived! a bit dirtier perhaps but still perfect ...
  19. Good point mate but I'm not so patriotic these days I'm afraid. sick to death of the England teams building up everyones expectations for many years now only to flop embarassing the whole country. if we played the way we are capable off with theirs hearts on the their sleeve my attitude would change but can't see it with this team, we have some good club players but its there for everyone to see whey just don't Gel in the England team. take a pesemistic view on England! if they win one its a bonus
  20. the right man or should they have gone elsewhere? think the guy is quality to be honest with what he acheived at swansea http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2153131/Brendan-Rodgers-says-joining-dynasty-Liverpool.html
  21. Think the scotts will be busting a gut laughing at these Euro's when we're on the way home after the first rounds . Got a mate who lives in Dunfermline I was on the phone to when the last world cup was on, in the middle of the conversation he said "fook knows whats going on outside, everyone is out cheering in the street", his missus shouted in the background "England just got knocked out of the world cup" . can't see England winning anything while I have a hole in my arse
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