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About jasper65

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 25/12/1913

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  • Location
    Soon To Be Richards Backyard
  • Interests
    Hobbies: Falcon/Hawk Propagation, Falconry. Shooting, Parkour, Skateboarding, Break Dancing, Abseiling, Pole Dancing, Figure Skateing, Old Time Dancing, Base Jumping, And the odd Lemonade...

    Guns: (Daystate Air Ranger .177), (12G Beretta Silver Pigeon M/C), And Some Old Springer Air Rifles......

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  1. I feel for him because his whole career looks like it will now go up in smoke. Its hard to beleive a pro ref putting his reputation and job on the line with a remark like that..... even if he is found innocent the poor bloke will always be tarnished by a minority with this now......
  2. loved the old Fords before all this tamper proof techno stuff on new cars... Give me a set of feeler gauges and a strobe with a few tools and I was in my element when I was a lad ........
  3. Would think one of these would set you back a few grand these days... Found some old footage of Roger Clark driving one in the manx rally ...
  4. some stunning classics there Rake . I wonder what the Escort MK2 RS 1800 twin cam would fetch in that sort of condition. reckon they would be hard to get hold of now mate! I know they was pretty rare years ago ...
  5. was a passenger in a Nissan Skyline GTR a couple of years ago... I was shocked for such a big car how quick it was, Pinned me to the seat virtually through every gear...
  6. This is the stuff I have used in the past. cut it to length with the angle grinder, you'll need a decent 20mm auger bit to cut your holes in the wood frame.... Gapped mine 3" apart across the window, you may need it closer for smaller birds ........ http://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Products/CO20GslashPACK.html?source=froogle
  7. nice one mate cheers . another one that I used to love in its day was the Escort MK2 RS1800.........
  8. Must say the mk5's was nice, think they did one called a crusuader with a 2.3 lump under the bonnet? What size engine did the MK1 lotus have in in chid? I would think they would fetch a few bob these days.......
  9. seen this Cortina mk3 on ebay, £6000 and riseing . had one of these in a 2.0, boy do I wish I still had it now..... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1972-FORD-CORTINA-MK3-1600GT-2-DOOR-/120995436678?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item1c2be3d886
  10. Why oh why Man Utd didn't break the bank to buy Gareth Bale is beyond me, what a player!! a real match winner like another welsh wizard Ryan Giggs ..........
  11. Couldn't agree more its getting worst mate with trolls everywhere! the internet can be a world of hurt and bullying for some kids and adults alike.........
  12. Damn shame mate and its happening all over the country to small butchers and the like... used to be a butchers I loved going to for his Porkpies, went their one day and he was shutdown . think the blame rests with alot of these supermarkets taking over these days......
  13. You're making me wish I was a lad again chid , one of the joys with these old fords if you had the know how was the way you could chop and change engines and running gear . I still love to see them in all their glory expecially when somthing special is under the bonnet..........
  14. No idea Cookie . I remember the lotus Cortina which I think was 1600 twincam . cracking days when you could walk outside with a pair of feeler gauges and a strobe and screwdriver and set cars up ourselves, remember spending hours gaping the points and plugs and tweaking around with the mixture, and strobeing the timing, as a lad I couldn't wait to get under the bonnet for a play , these days its all tamperproof which is a shame . don't think kids these days will have half the fun we had when we was lads..... a local lad had a MK1 RS2000 with twin 40's, cherry bomb exhaust and a few ot
  15. Fell of my chair when I saw the value of this. Had a MK1 1974 plate when I first passed my test but mine was a little 1100, bet that would be worth a few quid these days now too http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1969-Ford-Lotus-Escort-RARE-/380450221690?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item589499ae7a
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