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About Boghossian

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Nice animals both - was the NZ a free range animal or from private ground?
  2. Very interesting to hear - of course it must be difficult to prove the impact of wolf (and lynx?) on game populations - do they impact any species more than others (roe, red or boar)?
  3. Very interesting - do you normally do 2-3 drives a day or 9-10 shorter drives like I have seen in Poland. I imagine the biggest boar are shot at night over feeders - do you hunt by moonlight (or lamp light...)? I will contact you when it comes time to come hunt in Romania!
  4. These are very high quality trophies - very nice Carpathian red deer. It is nice to hear about real wilderness hunting in Europe, not just fenced areas. Do you feed the stags in the winter? The fallow is also a beauty - much better than the bucks we see in the majority of England. I hope you are offered better rates than the tourist hunters - hunting in Romania is very expensive by the looks of things!
  5. Nice story. Fallow can be so unpredictable, one minute dissapearing like ghosts through the trees and the next, the same group will let you shoot a few of them before decamping. Is your tripod a camera tripod? After many years of avoiding all supports, I've started stalking with bipod sticks (B&Q version) again.
  6. You'll find that fallow liver is delicious - just not during the rut. They even change colour during the rut and look more pink rather than dark red. Same buck in August would taste much better. His meat will also taste strong, though not as bad as the liver.
  7. No more illegal than selling or buying a hunting knife!
  8. At this time of year with no ground cover, they will come out very early and very late so those are your best chances to intercept them. Otherwise some people stick a bale of hay in a convenient location.
  9. All good tips - remember to tell him how many you are actually seeing. If he doesn't keep a look out for them, he will believe there are only 'one or two about' which means there are probably dozens he is unaware of. If all else fails, cash. Or at least offer to pay him for the dealer value of any venison you shoot.
  10. Nice buck indeed - is he worth measuring? What time do you expect most bucks to come out? I always wonder what time to start stalking on the basis that you bump into them at the oddest times sometimes. Middle of the afternoon even.
  11. Nice shooting Martin! Bet you'll be glad when they've finished moulting, that thing will have put hair everywhere... Apparently too much oilseed rape can make a roe deer go blind but it is common to see them in rape fields and they sure bugger off fast enough!
  12. How many points on the antlers (if Male) G)How many Calfs its carrying (if Female) H)Likelyhood of TICs or Bott fly I am sure the more experienced guys on here can add a few more?????? Hi mate, can you tell us how to determine how many foetuses and likelihood of ticks by looking at the tracks? Thanks G
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