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dai dog

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Everything posted by dai dog

  1. cheers local! any info on a trophy buck?
  2. how do you effectively find out the age of a buck, & what constitutes a trophy head? cheers guys as i was thinking about it today!
  3. Ive had pups born before that where blue looking and then after a few days they went silver fawn as blue as that? ive seen blue fawn pups before, but werent as blue as that! i could be very wrong though! lol ill still say blue they do look healthy & well fed by mother!
  4. we need a dog that is able to turn its quarry before it makes it to cover, so for me yes it is a better lamp dog, but it could well be the case that a half x is better for you frankie! horses for courses, its all about terrain!
  5. as blue as blue can be! how would they have gone to a fawn?
  6. allright buddy, heres meg & blue, that pic i promised! mike was only saying yesterday, how well he was looking & that youre doing well with him!
  7. i dont think a half cross would catch as much round here, so its gotta be 3/4 for me , i couldnt in a million years swap speed for stamina!
  8. i have a fussy eater! a whippet! ive tried anything! (& when i say fussy eater i mean fussu eater! ANY TIPS ? APART FROM THE OBVIOUS?
  9. id dock my own cock if, every time i used it it would bleed! (as long as it was functional)!
  10. prove youre worth with a local shoot! get in with the guys & ask to check a couple of earths! , itll take time, but thats the only way you will ever see a fox! but if you are an anti, tell youre missus that the meat you all eat tastes of cardboard!
  11. id rather dog 1 fox than shoot 100, but thats just me! please dont think bad of me!
  12. cheers wife! they sure bolt fast & he did have a few bites!!
  13. do any of you guys hunt squirrels? this was ages ago! i was remanising on how good a sport it was! a good bit of sport! a pic with his catch!
  14. there are so many shooters round here, i think its coming detrimental to the farmers, the fox knows exactly what a light means! the only way you would catch one is to either bait a field or be lucky to stumble on one! i go by a bit of a personal motto ( never knock another mans sport!) but these rifle commandos kill huge amounts & then boast in the pub! i dont agree with it! i thaught it was about shooting & conservation, not just shooting? its a love to rear a dog & work it, takes time effort, patcience. only to find that all the fox's are dead! i do know some genuine rifle boys,
  15. the fezz, my mate had him before me, & he was marking straight away, after a couple of rags! the only thing is, some of the burries are big & he is small, so sometimes we have to dig him out! hes not the best at hunting up, or following a line, but he has never false marked! , round here , for every 20 burys you pass, 1 may hold, & then its only 1 or 2 bunnys, so a dog is a must!
  16. dai dog

    Hunting Knives

    keens in aberkenfig have a good selection, i tend to have buck knives
  17. was off work today, so decided to head out & catch a few bunnys! i havent been out ferreting quite as much as id like due to a baby in the house! , and thaught id take the camera & take some shots, ( marking, pursing, & maybe a few landscape shots!) only to find my battery had gone! so youll have to do with this one in the back garden! , the border marked true every time, meg the whippet held a couple in the nets till i got there, the ferret killed one in, wich resulted in a 4 foot dig. we had 7 at the end, ( which is a good little morning out round here!) not one had young, b
  18. really sorry to hear that fordie, & yes, a very nice dog, had you done much with him & how old? my tupe of dog! chin up
  19. am i correct in saying that if only one comes down it causes a risk of cancer? a vet told me, its a simple op to pull the pair of plums down, but sometimes theyre not actually there! what happes then?
  20. dai dog


    thanks for the replies guys!
  21. dai dog


    now ill admit, ive never really had much to do with these odd little creatures! ive dealt with roe & fallow in the past, but muntys are a bit of an alien species! purely beqause we havent got any round this neck of the woods! i have some permission in wiltshire & have never seen any on the lamp yet have seen them once running in front of the car at dawn! (so theyre defo there)! last night i was away with work & went for a walk, i put 3 up in a matter of minutes! i also know that this area is heaving! i decided to have a look in the dark with the lamp, purely for observation ( i enj
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