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Phil Lloyd

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Everything posted by Phil Lloyd

  1. Depression is a C**t of a thing ....and that is the truth...? It is a terrible thing, that controls and ruins your life, and always leaves a man thinking, of what he might have achieved if only things had been different...?
  2. These sites were originally created, as a meeting place, for like-minded enthusiasts,....I think that somewhere along the line, many of us fecked up...? I am genuinely pleased, to read about another man's success and equally interested, to see pictures and images of a fellow enthusiast's jukels. As for myself, being retired from the hunting game doesn't mean that a man, no longer has the passion,...things are just put on the back burner, for a while... Keep on posting lads... http://www.chalkwarren.co.uk/
  3. There are some kind-hearted lads on this site,....makes ya feel kinda proud... All the best to you Keith,...try and stay brave...
  4. Bushing, hunting out and pursuing, various wild critters, really is ,...my most favourite minor field sport... http://www.chalkwarren.co.uk/
  5. The county of Sussex has some fine animals...?
    1. smithie


      It does.. thanks

      Good luck with The book

    2. fireman


      One to show the family for the xmas list :thumbs:, all the very best with it Phil..:victory:..

    3. Phil Lloyd

      Phil Lloyd

      Many thanks, fellah?

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  6. Hi Gaza,..many thanks for the message...? The latest book, A Moucher Forever...is at the Printers and will be available, Mid-November. As such, it is just a few stories and personal opinions put down in text, alongside a photo, here and there... It is no big deal, and hardly an epic,...just something I needed to do..... http://www.chalkwarren.co.uk/
  7. Whippets are grand wee jukels,... When I moved down South from the Welsh borders,...it seemed as though everyone I saw, out and about,.had a brace of whippets. I started keeping them myself in the late 1970s and until my circumstances (and quarry) changed during the 80s, I had great fun with them. Ideal dogs for a casual moucher,...rabbits and pheasants,....better watch out... http://www.chalkwarren.co.uk/
  8. Cracking photos of the young Beddies Love to see bright and happy pups, that have their entire careers ahead of them... I wish them the very best of lives...? http://www.chalkwarren.co.uk/
  9. www.chalkwarren.co.uk

  10. Sounds to be a beautiful place... Actually, I sent a whippet cur pup down that way,...I hope she is having a great time...
  11. I've not been to Devon for many years,....it was always a beautiful, olde-worlde kind of place to have a mouch... I must try to get down there for a visit, while I am still able..?.
  12. Just a gentle read and a wee stocking filler for Xmas...? www.chalkwarren.co.uk
  13. It is still early days yet, all the spaniels and other types are, as you say, like coiled springs...? As for retrieving, perfectly to hand,...this is a difficult attribute to maintain with running dogs,..more so if you work them really hard. I always strive for a steady retrieve, but invariably, as the years go on and the work-load increases,..most dogs get sloppy. It doesn't matter to me,..it used to, but I have mellowed a tad,...life really is too short to ruin what is left, in that obsessional search for perfection...?
  14. You boys are right... Once you have had the dogs on a warren for bolters, or maybe flushing gear to the gun, it is difficult to, calm things back down,..and get them steady them again... I quite enjoy picking-up on the various local shoots,...now I am retired,.. it makes for a good day out
  15. A young boy and his dog,...their lives ahead of them,..great to see...
  16. The very best of luck to you fellah...
  17. Phil Lloyd


    Roe is my favourite deer...
  18. When I moved South to Kent from Wales, and then back across to settle in Hampshire,..all the local ferreting lads had whippets... There weren't, that many rabbits to go around, so when a struggling coney flipped the nets, those quicksilver whippets really saved the day... Great little dogs...
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