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Phil Lloyd

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Phil Lloyd last won the day on December 23 2019

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10,738 Excellent

About Phil Lloyd

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 26/07/1951

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    Love all types of Rabbiting,...Ferreting/Mouching, snaring, trapping, netting. I have a lifelong interest in Herding dogs and favor the Cur based Lurchers.
    Most happy being around genuine, trustworthy Hunting Men...
    Cannot abide Braggers, Boastful types and Billy fecking Bullshitters.


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  1. You hit the nail on the head with your post title Trev.. Rabbiting, IS hard work....I think a lot of lads sometimes forget that fact... And,.. it gets a whole lot harder if you are 'at it' on a regular basis....things don't always go to plan.. Well done on your solo effort...
  2. Tonic Suits,..a must for an Ace Mod..
  3. Roe.."Pound a pound,.head off, feet off"....sold several hundred back in the day.....it was easy money....
  4. I do believe I might have met that fellah...
  5. Adaptability is a prime requisite for a hunting man,.. and his dog..
  6. Deer ,are a right pain when you are beating with the dogs, on a pheasant shoot..
  7. Sounds like you are going to have some great fun Billy.. Very few of us live on farms, and have free access to a multitude of domestic critters...but, I have found over the years, that if you have a good bond with your lurchers, they pretty soon twig on to what is on the menu, and what isn't. Obviously, some lurcher types are more driven than others, in fact, I've been out with a few jukels that were a bit of a liability. I only need a quiet wee thing, but even a whippet-sized lurcher can have a crack at forbidden beasts,..so you have to familiarise a young dog with various s
  8. Yes, it was a Calico I believe,..a rare variety of Tortoiseshell... My apologies for the confusion....
  9. Spot on there Ketchum,..and if Bird says that a quarter herding dog is plenty enough collie, in any lurcher,.then so fecking be it,..feck arguing with him I'm sticking to me Tortoiseshell cat,...I don't want me jaw broke..
  10. Each to their own. We are all free to make up our own minds and choose, what suits best? However, I have definitely lost, good working bitches that have suffered through not being bred from,or preferably, brought out of season, by dint of a vasectomised male ferret. Locally, most bitches were taken to the Wessex ferret club and jill -jabbed for a few quid,..this action prevented hundreds of unnecessary kits being created,...the practice was not foolproof, but was a step in the right direction towards halting, the seasonal influx,of unwanted young ferrets. Personally, we found a
  11. Done some business around Gallipoli,.....strangely, quiet, spooky old place..and those fecking hills that the boys had to climb, only to face the Turkish machine guns.? Bad place to disembark,..a complete disaster,...total feck up by our leaders...?
  12. Choose a pup from sensible parents,....then,...socialisation, socialisation,....socialisation...right from day one....
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