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About Brimmer

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 17/12/1909

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  1. Half day bloody Harries, get a full day done you slackers! Grand snowy day, and a great bag, keep at em Steve and the crew, want to see a ton day from you lads this season!
  2. A cheeky post, but how about getting the needle going like evrybody else!
  3. Yep, Looking back through your posts Danny, you have a few holes in your story, rat tailed ferret, then had enough of the killing, then can someone take me out? Whats the truth Danny?
  4. Look lads, try some of the Dunlop purofort ones, they last years, are warm, ok grip and cost maybee 40 quid. If youi want to go crazy try the thermo plus ones, grips like a bulldozer, and are super warm, maybee a little clumsy on the slopiest of spots. Have them both, and cannot fault either of them for reliabilty or performance. Maybee like ferrets,they are not flashy enough though!
  5. Thats the same ferret, one that sticks at it until it bolts, or kills if it does not.
  6. Worked up there on a reservoir all last year, never saw one rabbit up there!
  7. Many thanks for taking him and getting him some work Joe. As i said, you will have a bit of digging on your hands, and glad to see him go to a good home with work. Keep it coming feller.
  8. Pic was an accident, just as i pushed the button, it all happened.
  9. I usually go out in the yard and piss on them, that thaws them out.
  10. I think courts are great for everything a ferret needs apart from feeding, i'd like to feed them in cages and let them out into a court the rest of the time, as it stands i keep mine in 8 large cages, with wire cages on the outside, it takes up more space than a court, but i can pair them up appetite wise during the working season, During summer they can all be big fatties for me!
  11. Do you ever find certain ferrets get more grub than the others in a court Barry?
  12. Allthough it is funny to watch them ride the bolters out, they seem to do it every other time i take them out, i have seen them go ten yards or so above ground swinging on a rabbit refusing to let go whilst just bolting to the dogs, they are just short of stopping them on top by themselves!
  13. Just get one of these little white hobs over your jill red, they stick till the end, but due to size you sometimes stand a chance of movement on the deepies. Only downside is you sometimes dig twice. Nothings perfect!
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