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Everything posted by PICK AND SHOVEL

  1. Thanks.... to all who have sent payment for their book i will forward the books as soon as possible.... I'M positive the book will become recognised as a top title as regards to working terriers... Personally i'm looking forward to the review in the Earth Dog Running Dog... As all will become clear as to the Quality and content of the book.
  2. Thanks for bringing the site back on line... that's to all involved in running the site, its a top site with many genuine people who use it. Used in the right manner it is great for keeping in touch with others and very educational ..A asset which is great for those wishing to become involved in field sports whatever it may be. Unity is the key for the future of all . If i can be of any assistance please contact me i will be only to glad to help. Regards Johhny
  3. Just a note to say make sure you include your full address when you send payment for the book....Your Hunting Life username would be helpfull to so i can cross reference against my list and cross you off as i go. Many Thanks Johhny
  4. Glad your going to buy it mate i was begining to think you were like the bloke in your avatar picture......but more of a LITTLE P...K....And i bet your eye colour is GREEN....Shall i sign yours then to.... A LITTLE P...K WITH GREEN EYES.
  5. This is another picture i have decided to put on due to the interest being shown in the book. It is another chapter break picture. The chapter is called More Memorable Days. It will be formatted the same as the previous chapter break pictures with the title down the right hand side as can be seen in a previous post. This is the picture before the title was added.
  6. I don't see why not, i will do some digging[ excuse the pun] and get back to you as soon as i can. Thanks for the interest. Regards Johhny
  7. Just to clarify for everyone who has PM,D me...I take delivery of books on the 4th November and once checked they will be dispatched as soon as payments clear. Regards Johhny
  8. Thanks....The book is a quality made book with only the best materials used...It is unique as far as working terrier books go....I had to be 100% happy with it simply because i believe in doing things right . Thirty years of experience behind the book and wanted to produce something special which the book is. Not fair on the Earth Dog Running dog mag for me to give away to much about the book at this stage as it would be unfair on the author who has been kind enough to review the book for me. The same review will be in the countrymans weekly. Beauty is only skin deep so they tell me....How co
  9. Glad this topic has come up i have been looking at buying a new camera was thinking of the Pentax K200D....10.2 MP comes with a 18-55mm lens and built in image stabiliser..Was wondering how this compares to the Nikon and Canon. Cost is £450.
  10. CONGRADULATIONS.....I'm sure your new arrival will be the making of you mate. Don't be troubled by the past its the future that counts , when you think about the past you live it so forget it and FOCUS on all that is good in your life...I talk from experience my friend...GOOD LUCK.
  11. Had a number of people asking if the book will be signed.... The answer being yes it will, to those accross the water i will find out about the P&P and get back to you.
  12. Thanks to everyone who has shown an interest in the book...You wont be disappointed.
  13. Them lot toooo Tight Gary... Lol...Will look out for your cheque though...Lol.
  14. Hi mate good to hear from you...Yeah no one seen me for 3 3/4 years as i been stuck in a room armed with only pen and paper.. Its all been worth it though as im really pleased with the finished article. Im pretty sure it will go down well with all who read it.
  15. Had a lot of PMS asking about pre orders of the book, this is not a problem just foward a cheque or postal order for the correct ammount dont forget to include P&P to the address[ PO Box]. Many Thanks JB
  16. Sorry lads....The book will be priced at £32.99 plus £6.00 p+p There are around 140 colour pics within the book and 14 pieces of art work which divide each chapter[ chapter breaks] Its a good sized book 10x8 [ hard back/case bound] no sleeve.174 pages and over 30,000 words. In a nut shell worth every penny, but i would say that.
  17. Book Will be reviewed in next edition of Earth Dog Running Dog and in the Countrymans Weekly. A case bound limited edition book [10x8] of strictly 1500 consisting of 174 pages with 14 chapters, which has taken the author nearly 4 years to complete. The book is made from very high quality materials and contains many photos some of which are full page. Available from around the 10th of November from: Country Wise PO Box 14901 REDDITCH B97 9JG
  18. A picture speaks a thousand words, had some good nights on the bunnies but thats something else...GREAT PIC.... lOVE IT.
  19. Thanks Again, heres another one from the bunch i took that day not as good i dont think but still a descent pic.
  20. Thankyou for the kind remarks. They are two great dogs to work a real pleasure to watch. I get on with them better than the springers as i find them a bit more steady and easier to train when pups. I also find they tend to work at a slower pace and so have less chance of passing over tight sitting birds,i suppose having shorter legs helps as their nose is also closer to the ground. The chocolate dog i bred out of the black bitch, last season he really came into his own a bit stronger than his mother but definitely not head strong . I think the pic shows how steady they are as it is no mean fe
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