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Everything posted by arcticgun

  1. You may well be in for a long night, the first of a few no doubt, good luck, atvb Richard
  2. you've never seen an afternoons graft in your life mate nice haul fellas , hows the pups training going?
  3. Very nice my friend, the other un looks a good un n all, getting a bit of a team together there! hows the training going, my terrrier was a twat to train, still does more or less as it wants now!
  4. My Beddyxgrey pup sounds like yours mate, she is doing really well, never wanders far, retrieves exceptionally well (never gets bored), comes back when called, I really cannot complain at all, really intelligent pup. Her only problem appears to be biting at my terrier, usually to instigate a chase, but if told she does stop. She has been a pure pleasure to train, and take out walking. She likes nowt better than disturbing pheasants and trying to dig up rabbits sets, hope yours keeps coming on well, atvb Richard
  5. The breeder told me they take rabbits and that they would do more.....I've got a feeling I've been had :-( Get yourself a decent lurcher book mate and have a read up on training your pups, most basic training will apply to the terrier as well, don't give up on the dogs, train them, allow them to be puppies, walk them out twic a day, once old and trained enough, take em where there is plenty of quarry and let nature take its course, dont get disheartened if they dont catch straight away, its all in their just takes time and patience to come out, personaly I wont be gutted if my pup cat
  6. Very nice rifle this one is, it has had some top notch work done on it, to ensure the best performance, good luck with the sale mate, atb Rich
  7. Hello mate hows tricks?, atb Richard
  8. I hope your right Richard , its sad watching him show no interest in anything , i hope todays the start of a new dog, he just seems to have lost his fiz a bit, if he needs a working life them i am going to have to do it , i didnt want to as i couldnt handle him getting hurt but thats selfish on my part, its what the dog needs not me Thanks for the replys Kay If working sparks him up, then give him an 'easy' working life, get a smallish gun type lamp and run him short distances in large open fields, if both you and the dog know the land accidents should be minimal, hope it works
  9. A good long walk out, and a few retrieves in the fresh air, followed by a slap up nosh, should sort him out a bit! I really hope he cheers up soon and realises how lucky he is to have a good owner, like others said its probaly the change in circumstances and pace of life that have 'upset' him, good luck, atvb Richard
  10. Very nice dog mate had it been next month and a bit closer I would be very interested, good luck rehoming him, atvb Richard
  11. Get yourself a decent Lurcher Book and read up on it, look around localy see who keeps dogs and get talking to them and you never know, hth, atb Richard
  12. A fella round my way owned Cruise, there is a few dogs around here with his lines, all very nice. Sky your pup is very smart as well mate, good luck with it, atvb Richard
  13. That is a stunning dog mate, I really do like that one good luck with it, atvb Richard
  14. apologise to the good lady, for me mate :wacko: , atvb Richard
  15. If it fills your bag, its a good lurcher , Jamie oliver is an ugly tw@t but Id sit down to one of his meals he looks a nice strong dog mate, good luck with him, atvb Richard
  16. A bloke called Trappa on here was looking for one to use with hawks, try dropping him a pm mate, atb Richard
  17. Both look like fine specimens, nice strong looking dogs a credit to you both should produce some nice pups, atvb Richard
  18. A fella on here called Trappa was after a ferret to use with his hawk recently, might be worth pm ing him mate, atb Richard
  19. Is it still available? I sent another pm with another offer! atvb Richard
  20. I will take the Keepers tale mate, pm inbound, atb Richard
  21. alrite bloke cud you send me a copy or even tell me when a dog called CRUISE was entered cheers Is the dog called "Cruise" from Shildon, I live there and have heard that dogs name mentioned loads, I think a local fella owned it, not sure though, atvb Richard
  22. I use beta puppy, chicken or lamb, also chuck on a bit of the old pedigree chum (just a touch like) also table scraps
  23. Just got one via paypal, cannot wait to red it, any chance of having it signed?, atvb Richard
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