tHANKS Essex Mole, i do have a command for him to pick up things, but beven this does not seem to work.
Today i went out with a dead bird that and had him carrying around the field,no problem.
I think i will just have to persevere
I have a two year old Springer that i have been taking beating to which he does well, he has pegged the odd bird and i have told him off for this.
Any way i can take him out training on cold pigeons without any problem, he will hunt and find and return to hand. The problem is with fresh birds.
On the last two weekends i have taken him shooting and when i send him for the retrieve he picks the bird and then drops it and will not bring it back. Even with lots of praise.
I even left a bird for two hours to cool down but he did the same thing any ideas please?
You need to get written permission which is then submitted to your local fac officer they will then inspect and let you know if the land is suitable.
I would also go about trying to get an open ticket after 10 years it should be ok.
Two of my mates went out last Wednesday had around on rape near Faversham, really large flock. So on Saturday 6 of us set off early so as to be set up ready for the action to begin.
Typical after three hours only 3 pigeons shot, they were just not on these fields . Packed up after 5 hours with nothing to show for it. Still may be this week
In a word NO.
If your dogs are under control on a public footpath he has no rights.
I would have thought that he should,nt have a gun unsleeved on a public right of way, call local plod if he directly threatens you.
Took mine from a rescue centre (see avatar) He was 6 months and was found wandering.
Within 3 days was approached by travellers claiming it was there dog and they wanted to buy him back, sent them on their bike and took a detour home.
Have now had him for 10 years good all round dog.